Hi Customers,
SAP just delivered Analysis for Office 1.4 SP8 that contains the following SAP corrections:
- 2041930 Convert To Formula does not work for dimension members with spaces
- 2041133 Analysis Office dumps when importing text files into MS Excel with drag and drop
- 2038901 Analysis Office prevents Excel from closing
- 2038664 Log file contains API errors for SAPGetDimensionStaticFilter
- 2037259 Analysis Office: Error at undo operation after workbook has been closed
- 2034227 Text: 'Insert System.Reflection.Missing' in statistic step when inserting a query of query view
- 2032253 Precalculation fails for workbooks with named ranges including special characters
- 2032238 Enabled NCo tracing for BiPrecalculation
- 2032085 AO: Timeout when trying to display list of data source from BIP
- 2032069 AO on Office 2013: Inserting a data source from the backstage menu results in a exception
- 2031598 Launcher does not create new Excel 2013 process
- 2031244 Launcher fails when using Excel 2003
- 2029946 Poor performance with large filters on Analysis tab
- 2029886 AO 1.4: Excel 2013 - Performance issues when switching the context and when working with several workbooks
- 2029832 Filter by Measure with Measure in Filter and Structure in the rows
- 2028809 Exception when clicking in crosstab
- 2028695 Using an apostrophe within a sheet name leads to an exception
- 2027858 Bad performance during grid rendering in case of huge amount of columns
- 2027119 Analysis Office: drag and drop / expanding hierarchy nodes not working using Excel 2013
- 2027085 Adding the flat presentation of a dimension to the background filter does not work
- 2026682 Reset Data Source and cancelling Prompts results in exception
- 2025501 Filter Dialog and Value Help set and activate hierarchy for characteristic
- 2025417 Removed Attributes / Access Mode menu entries for Mass Data Filter Dialog
- 2023668 Missing translations in case of context menu for Execute Planning Function, Planning Sequence and Add Member tooltip
- 2023432 Analysis Office: Exception if inserting a workbook from BW server after inserting a workbook from BIP server
- 2023003 Missing alternative location for 'sapaocache' used for temporarily saved documents locally when opening Analysis workbooks from server
- 2022924 Performance issue when pasting members from clipboard into Filter Dialog or Value Help
- 2021910 Default value of setting CompressMetadata changed to true
- 2021646 Workbook Logon User is not available when opening a workbook from the BIP Launchpad
- 2020833 Analysis Office: filter information not displayed with correct member presentation
- 2020434 Logging of AO launcher
- 2020351 Propagate selection in hierarchically displayed keyfigures
- 2019598 Poor performance when clicking on the information tab
- 2019160 Exception Invalid Program Status\: No result set available when Pause Refresh is active
- 2018409 SAPCallMemberSelector ignores parameter Selector Type if hierarchy is assigned to characteristic
- 2018358 Analysis Office: Saving new document to the name and path of an existing document does not display a warning popup
- 2017718 Formulas show error #N/A when cancelling prompts dialog
- 2017317 AO 1.4: Wrong message "Data was saved (BRAIN-242)"
- 2017284 Open workbook from backend several times may result in exception in case of OSS connection
- 2016959 Formulas SAPListOfEffectiveFilters and SAPListOfStaticFilters only contains dimensions in drilldown
- 2016735 AO cannot be used with Turkish regional settings
- 2015452 AO 1.4: Hierarchy date is wrong for 9999/12/31
- 2015441 Mass Data Filter dialog throws Out of Memory exception when too many data is pasted from clipboard
- 2013551 User stylesets are missing after upgrade of Analysis Office
- 2011200 AO: Undo history always contains the same decription text when changing the member access mode
- 2011170 Emphasized formats does not occur correctly on planning cells
- 2011111 Empty columns get rendered with maximum width
- 2010638 Presentation doesn't get saved back to server on save
- 2009865 Filter Dialog : Wrong data for member access mode
- 2009468 Possible COMException with code 0x800A03EC when opening an Analysis workbook from server
- 2008793 When launching variable prompts screen possible long messages are not available in message window
- 2008055 Wrong node selection after change of time dependent master data object with enabled hierarchy in prompts dialog
- 2007114 Translation not applied after copy of cross tab in components tab
- 2006943 ArgumentException in some cases occuring if there are multiple sheets with same name in the workbook
- 2005454 Searching for a Analysis workbook or presentation by description on BIP not possible
- 2005434 Filter Dialog: Single value selection isn't applied
- 2005278 Search in Filter Dialog on characteristic with hierarchy enables paste button
- 2004759 Save Dialog: Entering a workbook name using IME
- 2004021 SAP Formula is not calculated correctly when entered into a blank workbook
- 2003968 Save Analysis workbook to BIP Folders view does not work
- 2003401 Validating a variable value in the prompt dialog
- 2003354 AO: Excel 2013 - Taskpane is still shown after closing a workbook
- 2003278 Analysis chart is losing swap state of rows and columns after refresh
- 2002592 Filter Dialog : Missing Access Mode switch for calendar view
- 2002573 Formula shows result twice
- 2001286 Analysis Office: nodes without text in Design Panel
- 2000392 Server Type "Group" feature for Analysis Precalculation
- 1994876 Value help does not display correct data
- 1983668 Analysis Office: BEx Conditions and condition states in UI
- 1976283 Error saving workbooks to BIP with relational connection to HANA system
- 1962934 Performance: Pause Screen Update for Hidden Crosstabs
- 1954665 Presentation doesn't get saved back to server on close
- 1518359 SAP BusinessObjects Analysis Office & BIP Add On Release schedule
To download the Analysis for Office Client's support package 8 please click here.
To download the Analysis for Office BIP Add on support package 8 please click here.
You can also check SAP note 1910505 - Analysis Office 1.4: Release Note for SP8.
Diego Ferrary
Support Team, NW Technology, AGS Primary Support
SAP Labs Latin America
For more Analysis for Office tool please check:
• http://help.sap.com/boao
• http://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/x/-gCYE