In my previous blog
Step by Step process to create your first Blockchain Project – Hello World, we see that it takes around 15-20 mins to copy the code, create files and zip files in a format to ensure they are deployed accurately for it to be working.
SAP Blockchain team is really focused to ensure that we give you a simple option to start your technology interest in just a few clicks. Just follow my previous blog and until step 4. Create & Deploy a Chaincode, we have simplified the process by adding “Example Chaincode” just click on it.
This should help you with the “hello_world.go” file with the sample chaincode with read and write operations.
Click on “API Description”, this will help in understanding the YAML file along with the parameters used for read and write operations.
Click on “API Description”, this will help in understanding the YAML file along with the parameters used for read and write operations.
Click on “Manifest” file to check the id and the version of the developments.
Once you get familiar with the coding all you need to do is just click on “Deploy Chaincode” and you are done. It’s as simple as that, now all we need to do it just click on “Test Chaincode” to do the read and write operations to your block.
Feel free to refer my
old blog, step 6 on how to use the Swagger tool to read and write operations.
We are also happy to announce our latest release on
Hyperledger Fabric v1.2 which supports
- Endorsement policy Basic and Advanced
- Support for SideDB
- End to End Encryption
Also, see how we can use
SAP HANA Blockchain Adapter with blockchain services to build blockchain networks using different software vendors(Hyperledger, MultiChain, and others) using common APIs.
Happy Learning…!!!