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Product and Topic Expert
The challenge 2023 was defined as:
“Extend SAP Cloud ALM with SAP BTP”

ALMathon was a joint challenge with Hack2Build (H2B) initiative from SAP BTP team. The H2B/ALM-athon is an SAP Hackathon in the ALM space which ends in the final pitches at  the  ALM Summit EMEA event In Germany.

It focusses to SAP Partners who wanted to leverage ALM solutions and/or develop new own extensions on SAP Cloud ALM.

SAP Partners came together across regions to discover, learn and get their hands-on, to explore and build their own applications using SAP Cloud ALM and its APIs, during the recently concluded Hack2Build events during  July 4-11, 2023.

Hack2Build offered a unique opportunity for SAP Partners to address current business challenges by building a working solution prototype using the APIs of CALM, with the support of SAP.

It started with a Kickoff Innovation Day in June, followed by idea submission and a hackathon week in July supported by the Partner PE Build program.

It has ended at ALM Summit EMEA in October in Mannheim with live pitches of the TOP6 selected teams. The winning teams have been selected by voting of all summit participants and from an expert jury.

The teams who have participated in the Hack2Build event EMEA were.

The 6 finalists are (in alphabetical order):

  1. Galileo Group: Defect Management - Advanced Open AI Support / Service Desk Operations

  2. Inflexion: TimeTrack for Professional services

  3. Int4: Automated testing of SAP integration scenarios, including SAP BTP Integration Suite migrations, with Int4 Suite orchestrated by SAP Cloud ALM

  4. NTT Data: ITSM for SAP Cloud ALM

  5. Ridon IT: Business Requirement as Standalone Feature

  6. Swisscom: Project and Resource planning Solution

The rules of the ALMathon were:

  • TOP 6 Teams selected by a jury in semi-final Hack2Build event in July

  • Each team in alphabetical order have pitched its solution for 10 min on stage ( hard stop!)

  • Jury commented the solution live on stage and provided scores in 5 categories

    • SAP TECHNOLOGY SKILLS (Engineering skill demonstrated)

    • ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN (attention to aesthetics, interaction and user interface)

    • BUSINESS (meets a customer need, potential to execute)

    • PRESENTATION (Performance during the demo and showcase)

    • INSPIRATION & INNOVATION ( Is the concept and solution inspiring| Is it innovative)

  • The audience voted for the teams at the end, too.

  • The final score were calculated equal from the scores of

    • Jury in Hack2Build in semi-finals

    • Jury of ALMathon finals

    • Voting from the audience


Here are the TOP 6 teams’ solutions who were fighting to get the ALMathon trophy 2023:


Winner of ALMathon 2023: NTT Data

1st Runner Up: Swisscom

3rd Runner Up: inflexion

Further finalists were:

ridon IT

Galileo Group



Watch the introduction video of the ALMathon event:

Many of these solutions from ALMathon EMEA or Almathon APJ  will be commercialized for external purchasing and are or will be available on SAP Store.

Such as  Kaar Technologies  with their Rapid Approve solution who made their way from Hack2Build into the  SAP Store.
Rapid Approve
 automates the manual signoff with centralized document management. The solution also has tight integration with DocuSign to secure the electronic signature.


And you will also find partners with ALM extensions in the SAP Cloud ALM Partner Hub. click here.


We are grateful to the SAP Product teams, SAP BTP Architects, and the many experts from SAP who made this event possible across many regions.

We would like to thank all the participating companies in this edition of ALM-athon / Hack2Build on SAP Cloud ALM and would be keen to support their full-scope build aspirations as next steps.