Modeling - Business Layer
Business Builder
With the Business Builder we now offer a designated tool for modeling the objects of the business layer. Business users can define business models in the Business Builder, which are separate from the physical data layer. To learn more, see
Business Layer. Also check out the
Learning Track on the Business Builder.
Authorization Scenario
As a modeler, you can define which data is relevant to a user's context thanks to Authorization Scenarios. They are made available through business entities and can be used in consumption models for specific use-cases. In the Business Builder, modelers can create, assign, and consume authorization scenarios. To learn more, see
Authorization Scenario.
Modeling - Data Layer
Importing large CSN and CSV files
You can now import large CSN and CSV files directly from the Data Builder entry page. CSN is a notation for compact representations of CDS models tailored to serve as an optimized format to share and interpret models with minimal footprint and dependencies. For more information, see For more information, see
Data Builder Entry Page and
Core Data Services – Schema Notation (CSN)Information published on SAP site.
Union All becomes the default union
When creating a union, the default option is Union All. It combines the result set of two or more SELECT statements and includes all rows and duplicates. It's faster to create, but it can be disabled and set to Union. For more information, see
Creating a Union.
Change Management
You will experience bubbles in the Data Builder. Bubbles in blue color indicate warnings, bubbles in red color indicate errors. Clicking the bubble opens the properties area where you will find information on the warnings and errors and how to deal with them. Learn more
Database Analysis User
The database analysis user is a database user with additional application-wide privileges to temporarily support monitoring, analyzing, tracing, and debugging of database issues. For more information please see
Database Analysis User.
Space Management
Grantable Select Privilege
Database users can now be created with the option to grant the select privilege on exposed views to other users. Administrators can select this option when creating or editing a database user. For more information on database users please see
Database Users.
Data Integration
Pause and restart real-time replication
For connections that connect to a source through the Data Provisioning agent, we improved handling of real-time replication. For maintenance operations in the source system or Data Provisioning agent upgrades, for example, it was required to manually cancel real-time replication and re-initialize real-time replication once the operation has finished. Now, you can easily pause and restart real-time replication for connections that you've selected from the list of connections in Space Management. For more information, see
Pause and Restart Real-Time Replication.
Language property for SAP ABAP-based connection types
For SAP ABAP-based connection types, you can now enter the language during connection creation. Object and field descriptions are then shown in the specified language. For more information, see
SAP ECC, and
SAP S/4HANA On-Premise.
Connection type for Amazon Redshift
You can now use connection type Amazon Redshift for view building and remote tables. For existing Amazon Redshift connections, you can enable view building and remote tables by editing the connection and re-entering your credentials. For more information, see
Amazon Redshift and
Enable an Existing Connection for a Feature.
RFC streaming for ABAP tables
For SAP ABAP-based connection types, you can benefit from RFC streaming with ABAP tables to load large amounts of table data without running into memory issues. To enable RFC streaming, we introduced some additional connection properties. For more information, see
SAP S/4HANA On-Premise, and
Prerequisites for ABAP RFC Streaming.
Connection types for Microsoft Azure Data Lake
You want to use Microsoft Azure Data Lake as source for data flows, but haven't migrated from Gen1 to Gen2 yet? We now have connection type Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store Gen1 available for you. For more information, see
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store Gen1.
With Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store Gen2 supporting authentication type Shared Access Signature you can now provide secure delegate access to the resources in your Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store Gen2 storage system without compromising the security of your data. For more information, see
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store Gen2.
Learn more about all connections and their requirements