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Hello Everyone,

So as a first of the series I am here to introduce to you one of the biggest features for Design Studio 1.3, that being BI Integrated Planning.

Here I am going to cover the very basic steps you need to do to get started with your very first design studio planning application.

1. First of all you need to configure the Connection that you will be using for planning in your application under the application properties.


          Note:  You can only use one BW system connection in an application for write back purpose even though you can have data sources from multiple connections in the same application.

2. Now insert the input enabled query in your application and assign it to a Crosstab. Go to the properties of Crosstab now.

      You should see a new property for planning with options to define the following :


    In the example I am setting the number of new lines to be 5 and the position of the new lines to be on top.


    1. The newlines and the input enabled cells will appear in the runtime only and will not reflect during the design time in Design Studio designer.
    2. The lock for your input enabled query will not get created unless you execute the application in the runtime browser. You can check this in sm12 transaction in the backend.

3. Configure the data source to be executed in the input enabled mode directly upon execution in the browser by giving the following command in the Application On Startup event :


      Note: This command can be configured to any other component such as a Button etc as well to mimic the behavior of Display and Change functionality for planning applications. For the Change mode you can have the Boolean value as true and for the display mode as false.

4. Execute the Application locally or on Netweaver and you can see the query available in change mode with 5 new lines on the top position of the crosstab as designed earlier.


New lines and input enabled cells

As discussed earlier after specifying the new line property under crosstab and enabling the data source for planning by using the command : DS_1.configureInputReadiness(true);

You are good to go to try out the planning via new line and the input enabled cells.

Input enabled cell :

    a. You can click on any of the input enabled cell and the value can be entered in it. Data validation happens when you hit enter or click tab.

    b. If the value is wrongly entered say any text in the input enabled cell for transactional data, than an error message will come up when you hit enter or hit tab or simply move the focus out of the cell and the input enabled cell will have a red border to show the cells affected with the error.


          eg: Here,an invalid value for currency EURO (Not EUR) has been entered for which there exists no masterdata and which has been shown with the red borders around the cells for new line. An error message for the same will pop up as well.

    c. Navigating between the cells of the crosstab can be done one by one, row-wise using tab

    d. When an input-enabled cell receives focus via keyboard navigation, it behaves as if it were clicked (input field gains focus, all text is selected) and a cross appears to delete the value as well.


    e. Its possible to navigate between input ready as well as read only cells using the top-down and left-right arrow keyboard keys

    f. It is also possible to copy and paste the value, from a single, read only or input enabled cell to an input enabled cell in the crosstab or in the newline as well.

Newline entry :

  1. In order to plan data using the newline, enter data directly in the input enabled cell for the dimension respectively.
  2. When entering a value without using the value help, the external key of the dimension member must be entered
  3. Enter the value either using value help or direct manual entry of dimension values and enter the transaction data and Recalculate, the data entered via the newline should be transferred now and be a part of the crosstab.
  4. Entry and transfer of values for multiple New lines is supported as well