You can watch the recap here
BI: What's New: Smart Assist Portfolio in SAP Analytics Cloud and don't forget to register for
Upcoming ASUG Business Intelligence Community Webcasts - below are the remaining ones for January, including one today:
January 22
BI: SAP Analytics Cloud Roadmap Update for Developer APIs and Integration
January 23
BI: SAP Digital Boardroom and SAC Mobile App - What's New, Best Practices and Roadmap
January 24
BI: SAP Analytics Cloud for SAP BW and BW/4HANA
January 29
INFL: Mobile BI Influence Council Re-launch
January 30
January 31
BI: SAP Analytics Cloud Roadmap
Source: SAP
Smart Assist offers AI features to "expand the conversation beyond just visualizations, charts, and data connectivity", offering "easy to consume machine learning capabilities embedded deeply within SAC, alongside and integrated with BI and Planning.
This webcasts focuses on augmenting BI and Planning workflows with machine learning, and begin to enable business analyst types to become citizen data scientists with easy to use capabilities.
Source: SAP
Employees can do more with less, as it is easy to get to the insights that machine learning can get to the customers
Data alone will not get you your business insights; it is the insights embedded in data. We all have bias
Power of machine learning allows for faster time to insight
What is augmented analytics? New buzzword; brings machine learning to the analytics space. In the past it was with statisticians and data scientists and now bring power to end users
Need to speak the language of the business user; now use terminology that people use in their day to day lives, such as natural language.
Customers can get explanations with a single click.
Make AI available to everyone
Source: SAP
Search to insight, users can type question in natural language, provide suggestions to people to get the answers they want
New, this feature is available to HANA Live connectivity and on the roadmap to extend to other live sources.
Source: SAP
You need to start somewhere.
Smart discovery is a way to automatically have a dashboard generated; it generates pages of insight of data, powered by machine learning; running automated predictive library, then generate insights on the dashboard.
Source: SAP
The idea of smart insights gives you insight on particular data point
Allows you to click on data point and have insight automatically generated
Source: SAP
This was covered in the demo at minute 11:42 of the replay
BI: What's New: Smart Assist Portfolio in SAP Analytics Cloud
Source: SAP
Smart grouping allows you to automatically groups of entities in data set - e.g. characteristics of high performing employees
Source: SAP
Time series forecasting - how know which algorithm to select? That is a challenge for time series forecasting.
Instead of putting burden on end user, use machine learning to decide in terms of accuracy and confidence
Feature available for BI and Planning
It is embedded in planning workflows - what expect next year and write back into different versions
Source: SAP
R can be used to create static and dynamic charts
Source: SAP
Classification, regression and time series - 3 types of algorithm available in SAP Analytics Cloud, with focus on business user
Question & Answer
Can you write back those simulations to your database?
No. But not totally clear on the ask. Would you be willing to share your use case in more details?
Will Smart features be extended to voice? E.g. I speak the commands? Conversational by voice?
What did I miss?