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Content delivery networks (CDN) for mobile and web applications 1) eliminates the hassles of hosting 2) performs faster in all cases 3) has zero maintenance needs. Below steps will help to create website  including analytics, fonts, scripts for dynamic forms and HANA backend for web application(s).

Create local website files (source files attached and upload to CDN

From HCP verify DB and Enable Web Access on HDB

From XS Admin Tool /hana/xs/admin/ confirm Security and Authorization, X-Frame Options

From SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench, navigate to Security to create user and update priviledges

From SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench, navigate to Editor to Create HCP HANA project (right-click Content folder). Import logic.xsjs and logic2.xsjs files (source files attached respectively)

From SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench, navigate to Catalog to Create HCP table ZFI_HEADER and data (for illustration only, consider CDS)

Test connectivity and results

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/css.css" />
<!–– Insert Analytics here -->

<!–– Insert Analytics here -->

<zh2>HANA XSJS application 2 --- Go to <a href="index.html">first page</a></zh2>
<!–– Begin HANA XSJS call -->
<iframe width="560" height="50" frameBorder="0" src="https://<insertHCPhere>/actuals/logic2.xsjs"></iframe>

<div class="footer">
<div><a href="#top"> Back to top </a></div>


<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/css.css" />
<!–– Insert Analytics here -->
<!–– Insert Analytics here -->

<zh2>HANA XSJS application --- Go to <a href="page2.html">second page for app 2</a></zh2>
<!–– Begin HANA XSJS call -->
<iframe width="560" height="50" frameBorder="0" src="https://<insertHCPhere>/actuals/logic.xsjs"></iframe>

<div class="footer">
<div><a href="#top"> Back to top </a></div>


head, body
width: 100%

text-align: Center;
font-family: Segoe UI, Tahoma, Arial, Sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
font-style: bold;
display: block

text-align: Left;
font-family: Segoe UI, Tahoma, Arial, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
display: block

text-align: center;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif;
font-size: 10px;

create column table actuals.zfi_header (
System nvarchar(3) not null,
Client nvarchar(3) not null,
Bukrs nvarchar(4) not null,
Belnr nvarchar(10) not null,
Gjahr nvarchar(4) not null,
blart nvarchar(2) not null,
budat nvarchar(10) not null,
aedat nvarchar(10) not null,
usnam nvarchar(12) not null,
bktxt nvarchar(25) not null,

insert into actuals.zfi_header values ('HDB','100','1000','0900000001','2017','RE','01/29/2017','01/23/2017','TWITTER','Reference doc1');
insert into actuals.zfi_header values ('HDB','100','1000','0900000002','2017','RE','01/29/2017','01/23/2017','TWITTER','Reference doc2');

function getUsername(){
var username = $.session.getUsername();
return username;
var result = "Hello World from User " + getUsername();

function getRecords(){
var output = "";
var conn = $.db.getConnection();
var pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( "select count(*) from ACTUALS.ZFI_HEADER;" );
var rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

if (! {
$.response.setBody( "Failed to retrieve data" );
$.response.status = $.net.http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
} else {
output = output + "from HANA data: " + rs.getString(1);
return output;
var result = "Records " + getRecords();
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