In this blog post series, I’ll show how to create a Web Component and consume it in UI5! This is based on my UI5con session of 2023 together with
peter.muessig .
- Vanilla Web Component:
- UI5 Web Component:
- Generate UI5 Library & Controls for UI5 Web Components:
- Consume UI5 Controls based on UI5 Web Components inside a UI5 app (this one):
Final test in this blog post series, use the UI5 Controls based on UI5 Web Components through a UI5 library in a UI5 app.

Run the demo app
- Clone the demo app to test the control
git clone

cd ui5-space-webcomponent-app
npm i
npm start
And we have a UI5 app running that consumes UI5 Controls from a UI5 Library that uses UI5 Web Components underneath:

How it is connected:
Load the library
The library is loaded by defining this in the manifest.json as a dependency:

Use the control
The control can be used in the a view as any normal UI5 control and benefit of all the UI5 functionalities:
- Define the namespace at the top:

- Use the namespace with the name of the control inside the view:

Connect the library
With the new UI5 Tooling we can simply connect to the library by defining it as an npm dependency:

The full sample project is available on GitHub: