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Attribute change run is the process in BW whereas the master data get activated (whatever has been recently changed) and adjusted in the aggregates.

In this document we will see how the master data activation process is working for new records and changed records.

Master data activiation is mainly controlled by the two fields that are OBJVERS and CHANGED.

OBJVERS is nothing but the the version of the master data records i.e A (Active) or M (Modified). CHANGED flag refers to the values D (Delete) and I (Insert).

When a new record is inserted into the master data table first time it will be A (Active) by default. No need to activate the record. But the Attribute change run should be performed inorder to update the newly added mater data into the Aggregates. Please find below the screenshots for the same.

Picture 1: Newly created master data table.

Picture 2: Data records added into the newly created master data table at first time. Observe that all the data records are having the OBJVERS as "A" and CHANGED as blank.

Picture 3: After sometime the existing master data records got changed and updated into BW system.

Picture 4: Here 'I' stands for "Entry marked for insertion" and 'D' stands for "Entry marked for deletion".

Master data activation is a two-step process on each of the master data tables - P, Q ,X and Y.

In the first step, the active records (with OBJVERS = 'A') which are marked for deletion (CHANGED = 'D') are deleted. Here is the corresponding SQL statement

DELETE FROM <the corresponding Master Data table>

WHERE changed = 'D'.

After this, the changed records (OBJVERS = 'M' and CHANGED = 'I') are updated such that they are seen as active records (OBJVERS = 'A' and CHANGED = blank').

UPDATE <the corresponding Master Data table>

    objvers = 'A'
    changed = '   '

         objvers = 'M' AND 
         changed = 'I'.

Picture 5: Final look of the data in the master data table after Attribute change run.

Hope this docuement gives an insight of technical processes happening inside Attribute Change Run process.


Dinesh R

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