The target of this document is to take a user through changes required to add a customer field in work order header and reflect it on works manager application.
Of course the ABAP part, specially the master table enhancements is not in scope of mobility consultant, however understanding from holistic view point can help.
Go to order master table and click on include CI_AUFK
Click yes and continue
Enhance CI_AUFK with required extension fields
Use database utility to adjust AUFK and VSAUFK_CN. Transaction SE14.
ALERT: Makes sure CI_AUFK is successfully activate post adjustments.
Check that ET_WORKORDER_HEADER type /SYCLO/PM_CAUFV_STR reflects the new field
Copy the data object handler /SYCLO/CL_PM_WORKORDER2_DO to Z namespace
Enhance code to fill the custom field. In this example we mark the field as X if the function location is SYC1.
Step 2 Config. Panel Changes
Mobile Application Configuration:
Mobile Data Object Configuration:
BAPI Wrapper Configuration:
Step 3: Agentry Changes
Route the steplet to custom code
Enhance screen to show the field
Step4: JAVA code changes
Object class: WorkOrder
Here either we extend the existing work order object or create a whole new order object. For this example we copy the work order object without extension. Also copy the stepHandler and corresponding BAPI classes in a new JAVA project. Add the relevant jars in build path so that the project compiles.
Note* Adjust config panel to point to these new custom classes
Export the java project as JAR to C:\SAP Work Manager\ServerDev\Java\
Edit the Agentry.ini to include this jar name
Step 5: Publish your application, restart the server, reset test client in ATE and see the changes