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This is my way of saying thanks to SAP and community for enabling APIs and empowering developers.

If you are a developer for Cloud Platform Integration, probably you have experienced checking latest trace logs again and again. It is tiring to click so many times & to see your downloads folder littered with many .gz files.

This solution is for you!

Normal workflow:

  1. Log-in to your tenant

  2. Go to Operations View

  3. Click System Log Files under Access Logs

  4. Click "download log file" button

  5. Extract .gz file

  6. Open with an editor

  7. You see the logs!

To see new logs: Go to step 4 or 2 and start again.

Workflow with SuperEasy Log Viewer for CPI:

  1. Greet your colleagues

  2. Drink your morning coffee

  3. Run SuperEasy Log Viewer from the command line

  4. Log-in to SuperEasy Log Viewer with your information

  5. Look out of the window

  6. You see the logs!

To see new logs: just refresh the page (Ctrl+R or F5 or Refresh button)


Installing the tool is very easy. If you are developing with Node.js you are already familiar with npm tool. If you don’t have it installed, you can install Node.js from the official website: link.This brings command line tool "npm". Then you can run:
npm install easylog-cpi -g

That’s all it takes to install the tool.


In command line run

If you want to specify a different port run:
easylog-cpi -p 9000

Enter your information. You can use the hostname or full URL of your tenant, the tool will parse it.

When you click "Show me the logs!". Logs will be shown in reverse order. You will see the latest line first. You will see updated logs when you refresh.

Source Code

You can find the source code on GitHub

As always, we are open to new ideas and pull requests.

Thank you for reading!
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