Steps to deploy Agentry Application in SMP 2.3 : Find the Same Steps in Attached Images
Create the ZIP file for Deploy the Agentry application in SCC. ZIP file should contain the following files.
- Application Folder: This folder contains Development Folder / Productions Folder. If it contains Development folder, some configuration changes need to done in Agentry.ini file.
- Java Folder
- Agentry.ini
- AgentryLogging.ini(based on this file configuration Log files will generate)
- ini4j
- JavaBE.ini
- librfc32
- sapjco
- sapjcorfc
Select the all files and right click and click on send it to compressed zip file. Once Zip file is created give the Proper name with Version Conversion.(don’t create .rar file etc…)
For more details refer the following screen shot.
- Login in SCC with your credentials(For Example use Username:-agentry Password:-agentry123)
- Expand the localhost running Menu à Click on Application tab(Contains the list of all applications already deployed in SCC)
- For Deploy the New Agentry Application Click on New Button.
- Fill the all Mandatory fields:
- Application ID:-Give unique name to application each time you deploy(For Ex:- AgentrySAPWM6.0.1)
- Display Name:-It can be same as name in application ID
- Description:-It can be same name as in application ID
- Client SDK type:-Select the Agentry from the Dropdown list.
- Click on Application File->Click on browse and select the path of your ZIP folder which created in Step : 1
- Wait till Active time: immediate combo box Enable Mode, Once Enable then only Click on OK Button.
- If Application is Register Successfully, success message will display in Top of the Page. Then Restart the SMP Services. Follow the following steps for Restart the SMP Services.
- Select the localhost Menu à Mobile Server tab àclick on server name check box àclick Restart button.
- Wait till you get the message “”. Restart Services Process will start with the following Messages.
- If we get Application Registration Fail Message, follow the following steps for solve the issue.
- Delete the Deployed Application.
- Kill the AgentryServer.exe Process from Task Manager if it available.
- Restart the All SMP Services using given shot cuts in SCC Server Desktop.
- First Click on Stop SAP Mobile Platform Service icon with Run as Administration Option.
- Click on Start SAP Mobile Platform Service icon with Run as Administration Option.
- Then Repeat the Same Steps from STEP 5.
- Check the Application Status using following steps.
- Expand the Application menu in SCC->Select the Application à show the status of application in right side Panel. If Application Registration done without errors Status Message should be (STARTED/RUNNING).
- If Status is not in STARTED/RUNNING/EDRINUSE, it seems Application contains some errors.
- Configuration Need to Done in Agentry .ini file when it is Development Version
- In [Configuration] section Set developmentServer=True
- In [Java-1] section give the all .jsr files path in classPath and define the serverClass
- classPath=.\Java\Agentry-v5.jar;.\Java\SAPCommon-122971.jar;.\Java\SAPWM-;.\ini4j.jar;.\sapjco.jar;
- serverClass=com/syclo/sap/workmanager/Server
- In [java-1] Define the initialHeapSize=128,maxHeapSize=1024(this is applicable to both Production & Development Versions).
Important Note: - In SMP 2.3 Version try to keep only one Agentry Application at a time. System will allow deploying the multiple applications, but some time it will create the Memory Issues. Try to keep only one application For Better performance. If you want to deploy the New Version First Delete the Existed Application & Restart the SMP Services (Step are e given in STEP 5 (g)).
How to Check Application Logs:
<SMP Installation Path>\ Servers\UnwiredServer\logs\<Application Id>
Application Deployment Path in SMP Server:
<SMP Installation Path>\ MobilePlatform\Servers\UnwiredServer\Repository\Agentry\default\<Application Id>
For Example: C:\SAP\MobilePlatform\Servers\UnwiredServer\Repository\Agentry\default