Solution Manager 7.2 SP 08 Upgrade and Migration Using SUM DMO Approach – II – Preparations – ABAP Stack
This blog is all about performing preparations and technical checks for the ABAP system.
1.First and foremost step is to run Sizing report:
/SDF/HDB_SIZING, it provides estimation of the memory and disk space requirements for the database tables of Business Suite on HANA
- Check the FAQ document attached to SAP Note 1872170 for explanations on how
to interpret the sizing terms and calculations.
You install report
/SDF/HDB_SIZING's latest version by implementing Note
2734952 using transaction snote. This note contains the latest corrections.
2. Implement new Hana server according to the results of the report
/SDF/HDB_SIZING and perform Hana Database Installation accordingly.
- After the Installation of Hana Database , request a License Key through SAP Service Market Place and apply the permanent license on the Hana database.
3. Backup the directory of SAP Profiles >>/sapmnt/<SID>/profile (for rollback if required)
4. Backup home directory of user <sid>adm & oracle >> /home/<sid>adm (for rollback if required)
5. Backup the Kernel directory /sapmnt/<SID>/exe/uc/linuxx86_64
6. Backup/Copy exe directory/usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGSXX/exe (XX-Instance No)
7. Make sure SAP HANA backups in tapes! (Send mail to respective storage& backup admin team)
8. Call Tx st04 and refresh the screen for fix error view of >>> tables or indexes does not exist
Under Diagnostics tab , click on Missing Table and Indexes, if you find any primary indexes in error fix it as shown below
- Select the primary index and click on button (Create On DB)
Click create and then refresh,Similarly perform for remaining primary indexes.
9. Check the swap space should be at least 30GB , you can check with command free -g
10. Archive mode should be enabled , login with ora<sid>
- Give command sqlplus / as sysdba
- SQL> archive log list;
- It show database log mode
11. Download and update maintenance license in SAP ABAP system
12. Update SPAM to latest version by login to system with client 000
13. make sure parameter
rdisp/tm_max_no value is set to atleast 2000
14. Increase the processes to 500
- SQL> alter system set processes=500 scope=spfile;
- SQL>commit;
- SQL>show parameter processes
- And for take effect need to restart the DB
15. Increase the parameter value of kernel.sem under /etc/sap.conf
To -> 1250 256000 100 1024
- In order to effect of above changes ,execute command sysctl -p with user root
16. Delete update records from SM13, please give date 1 year old and then delete the records as shown below
17. Check password for user DDIC in client 000
- Check password for user system in Database
18. Add 30 GB to Temp table space using below command
brspace -c force -f tsextend -t PSAPTEMP -autoextend yes -maxsize 0 -i 100 -s 3000
For above error, follow below note
912969 - BR*Tools fails due to license problems
>brconnect -u / -c -f crsyn -o SAPSR3
Now execute the brspace command to extend temp tablespace
brspace -c force -f tsextend -t PSAPTEMP -autoextend yes -maxsize 0 -i 100 -s 3000
19. Execute t-code DB13 and delete scheduling jobs for Day of the downtime
20. Backup the Database and verify it finished successfully
Command to trigger backup in background:
nohup /oracle/<SID>/DbaScripts/ <SID> /RMAN_Backup/<SID> &
21. During the upgrade with DMO, the following phases can be long-running:
- Create file SAPup_add.par
/<PATH>/SUM/abap/bin and add the following line:
/ORA/update_spacestat = 0
(It helps to reduce the time of updating Oracle DB statistics)
22. Before starting SUM, make sure Hostagent is upgraded to latest version, otherwise you will face issues while executing SUM tool
To upgrade SAP Host Agent using the saphostexec executable of the existing host agent installation, proceed as follows:
- Copy the downloaded SAPHOSTAGENT<SP-version>.SARarchive to a temporary directory, for example /tmp/hostagent.
- Change to the directory where the saphostexecexecutable of SAP Host Agent is located:
cd /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/
- Execute the following command:
./saphostexec -upgrade -archive <path to downloaded SAPHOSTAGENT<SP-version>.SAR>
23. As per the note
2658997- System not suitable for migration during PREP_INPUT/MIG2NDDB_INI
- Use SUM archive SUM10HDBSP when performing an upgrade for system that combines ABAP technology and HANA database.
- Download the latest Sum file through SAP Service Market Place from below path
- Logon to respective server with <sid>adm and extract SUM10HDBSP archive using SAPCAR utility to particular path accordingly.
- Give full permission to SUM directory
Now go to the path where the SUM archive extracted (
/PATH/SUM/abap) and run below command
./SUMSTART confighostagent <SID>
Gave ERROR:” Root directory /PATH/SUM/abap exceeds allowed length of 25, please use another one! exitcode:10 “.
Move the SUM directory out of the long path /PATH/
NOTE: Never place SUM folder inside sub directories
Now execute command
./SUMSTART confighostagent <SID> to start SUM tool
Login with <sid>adm
2580453 Central Note - Software Update Manager 2.0 SP03 [lmt_023]
2472928 Central Note - Software Update Manager 1.0 SP22 [lmt_004]
Troubleshooting Issues with the SUM tool
Best practices for upgrading sap systems
The SUM guide can be downloaded from the SAP Support Portal page
Software Update Manager
Sample SUM guides:
Troubleshooting Information
Troubleshooting Information for Preparing Your SAP Solution Manager 7.1 for the Upgrade
Troubleshooting Information for Preparing the Software Upgrade and Starting SUM
Now lets start with actual SUM process in the next blog, please follow the below link.
Solution Manager 7.2 SP 08 Upgrade and Migration Using SUM DMO Approach – III -A– Upgrade+Migration ...