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While performing HANA revision upgrade from 34 to 37.5 along with the AFL component compatible for HANA rev 37.5 along with AFL component.We get the below error

Ingeneral if you get the below error while performing HANA revision upgrade along with the AFL(or any other dependent components in HANA whether ECC or BW system)

An already installed component SAP HANA AFL (incl.PAL,BFL,OFL) is not compatible with SAP HANA Database version ''. SAP HANA AFL (incl.PAL,BFL,OFL) requires SAP HANA Database with version The update of SAP HANA Database to version '' requires also the matching SAP HANA AFL (incl.PAL,BFL,OFL) to be updated. Updates for plugins are available on the SAP Support Portal. For withdrawn plugins, follow SAP Note 2293092

Solution-Follow the below procedure step by step

For Hana revision  Upgrade along with AFL component below procedure should be followed.

Step 1-Create a folder named REVAFL37_5 and place the HANA revision 37.5and AFL softwares(Compatible with HANA Rev 37.5) in the location.

Provide full permissions to the folder chmod –R 777 REVAFL37_5

Step 2-Run the script ./ and extract the softwares

Step 3-We will get one extracted folder

Step 4-Inside extracted SAP_HANA_AFL and SAP_HANA_DATABASE revision folder are extracted.

Note:log file is to check logs for the extracted software

Step 5-Move inside the SAP_HANA_DATABASE folder and run the script ./hdblcm and select 1(SID)


Step 6-Click on 1 and update the components together

Give system password and enter

Type y

Result:Go to the HANA studio and check the version of HANA revision.It will be upgraded as 37.5 along with AFL

Brief explanation of the procedure

Method & Resolution found out by us.
1.Download the softwares(HANA revision,AFL and script) from Service market place
All the procedures should be carried out through root
2.Create a folder and downloaded softwares in the location and provide full access
chmod -R 777 <Folder name> the script ./
4.After running the script extracted folder will appear
5.Inside the extracted folder SAP_HANA_AFL AND SAP_HANA_DATABASE
6.Go into SAP_HANA_DATABASE the script ./hdblcm
8.Select the option 1
9.Select the option 1 by selecting all
10.Software will be updated

Conclusion-This is the simplified method for the HANA revision upgrade when dependent components are present

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