Hello Friends,
As you know there is no option available on SUM tool directly to send email notification of process waiting for your input.
SAP developed tool call "MailNotifier" which is very useful to notify SUM is for waiting for user input.
Please follow below to configure Mail Notification.
- Login to SAP server where SUM process is running
Navigate to: <X>:\usr\sap\<SID>\SUM\abap\mailNotifier
Note: This is your SUM extract directory
- Open and modify “MailNotificationApp.props” file
Section : Mail Notifier Default Properties
sum.host = Host_Name
sum.port = 1128
sum.user = <sid>adm
sum.pwd = PASSWORD
sum.sid = <SID>
sum.type = sumabap
sum.ssl = false
- port is default 1129 but I have is shown as 1128 because sum process running through HTTP and NOT HTTPS
- ssl = false because I am running sum as HTTP
As per
SAP guide do not provide password on this props file and you can run command as shown below and it will automatically ask for password
Section : Mail related properties
mail.host = SMTP_HOST_NAME
mail.port = SMTP_PORT
mail.user = USER_NAME
mail.pwd = PASSWORD
mail.from = FROM_email_Address
mail.to = To_email1,To_email2
Section : Check related properties
check.interval = 60
check.tries = 5
Note: I leave this as default values
- Set JAVA Path through environment variable
Check Java version to make sure path is working
- Run Command as : java -jar MailNotifierApp.jar properties=MailNotifierApp.props
Note: Keep this window open to receive alerts
Now you will get first email from tool as below
Note: After SUM process finish you can remove environment variable you created previously.
Thank you for reading