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How to create external commands using SM49&SM69 in SAP Application which is built on UNIX/LINUX OS. If we are going to create any os level command from SM49 it won't allow
us to use the wildcard entries like " * ", "?". A functional module "SXPG_COMMAND_LIST_GET" is used in every ABAP program to execute the OS level commands. Which can impact in moving or copying or deleting a set of files in a folder from the OS level.
Reproducing the issue:
Go to SM49 and select the Command to move or copy or delete all files from a folder.
Execute the command.
By using a wildcard entry "*" an error occurred in moving files.
To overcome this issue and to create the OS level commands from SM49&SM69, We have to use a shell script where wildcard entries are allowed to execute.
Create a folder location on the OS level to place Shell Script files.
Now Create a .sh file and write the required command(mv) inside that file.
Upload this file to the OS-level folder location by using the CG3Z t-code in the SAP application server or we can use Filezilla or WinSCP and provide the executable permissions to the file ZMOVEE.
Check the uploaded file from AL11.
Now go to SM49 and update the command with the new Shell script file location with SH command. So, that whenever the ABAP program gets triggered the functional module "SXPG_COMMAND_LIST_GET" will execute the SM49 ZMOVEE command.
Once the command gets Executed all the files inside HR_PAYROLL_IN will be moved to HR_PAYROLL_OUT with return code "0"
Following the above process, we can create multiple types of shell-script files at the OS level and we can execute them from the SAP application level using T-codes SM49&SM69. I hope my blog is helpful for you and I also welcome any comments, opinions, and feedback on my blog.