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“Make hay while the sun shines”… fact if got the access key to make it as “Make hay while the suns shines” I would have been very happy to do that.  Yes!!!!!!!!!  On 05July@TCS,Siruseri I had seen 9 stars from 9 galaxies illuminated before me and I use this opportunity to transfer some take away from each sessions to our SCN colleagues.

As Like in most of the presentations seen there I would also like to start my blog with a Disclaimer. Following contents are only based on my view/perspective and had only a sole intention of giving something back to our SCN community. Kindly forgive me if I forget to address any one.

As it was my first SIT event though excited expectations were on the normal side as I was expecting some kind of seminar sessions which we used to have it in colleagues where our hero will present something and audience including me will have any clue at all. Unfortunately it happens a lot for me :razz: . But on writing this blog in this midnight luckily I can say condition is totally different and that’s the reason why I have even gone for writing this blog.

My primary skill set of core ABAP forced me to sit for “Technical “track as we were affectionately called as “Techies :smile: of SAP. Yes we love coding :smile: !!    Technical presentation started with our beloved Mr.sundaresan.k on topic "Unleash the Power of SAP HANA from your ABAP custom code" from SAP Labs.Luckily I had an offline/online discussion with him on similar topic at SAP CODE JAM,Chennai @July4.”Code to Data concept where pushing most of the processing to powerful SAP HANA DB and reducing the load on the application server was a great learning for a conventional abper like me where we always believed in Data to Code considering the limited DB/memory available. I was happy to hear that AS ABAP 7.4 is a go to release for all SAP based  HANA Application in-between the sessions. Highlight of the session was the Demo on Code optimization using SQL monitoring. Static check limitations via ST05,SAT had always limitations as it does not take into considerations of the production data volume and performance hot spots. Combined analysis of both real time and static data via SWLT provides the real time solutions for the performance issue and thereby code optimization.

Second one was from the local boy Mr.Rajeshkumar T on topic "SAP Process Integration Upgrade" from TCS. He had chosen a real time project scenario in the form of a case study and was able to galvanize the delegates with his in-depth scenarios. As part of performance leverage when migrating to HANA we often forgets PI which is the SAP standard middle ware. It was great to hear the transformation story of XI-->PI-->PO. Had shared a wonderful comparison slide between PI,PI dual stack and PO which clearly gives us an idea of wide array of solutions available and reminds us choice is yours.

Third one was from our energetic Mr.arun.rajamani&Mr.ankur.kumar27 on topic "Get into cloud with HANA Cloud Platform"from SAP Labs. Session had a mix of both presentations and demos for unleashing the power of HANA Cloud. Providing a faster,reliable&securable network for sharing of data becomes true with advent of SAP HANA cloud. Demo was so great where the look and feel of UIs was the highlight. Team brigades were able to share a lot of in-formations on how to get developer access and necessary reference materials from SCN.

Fourth one was from two Talas(“in Tamil it means Leader”) Mr.mahesh.kumar8&Mr.ganeshmahadevan.v3 on topic "Machine 2 Machine Analytics using SAP HANA" from Rolta&Accenture respectively .Two deadliest combination for knowledge sharing.

I leave this opportunity for readers to decide how much you have extracted from his head. :smile:

M2M communication relates to technology that allows both wireless and wired systems to communicate each other .It caters cloud for service enablement, HANA for application services ,connectivity &hardware. It was a classic example of on real-time acceleration cause effects analysis by a warehouse engineer and perspiration based health checks which makes sure our life like Munna bhai and can proudly say “Tension math Lena”(Don’t get tensed).Unstructured data analysis via Hadoop and structured data analysis via HANA makes it more realistic.Interesting fact shared says vehicles 1,1Bn ,50Bn devices and 8Bn People uses M2M technologies.

Last Session before lunch with a SaravanBhavan coupon on hand usually makes us a  passive listeners as concentration will be on the golden markings of the coupon. But …When Mr.midhun.vp (MOM..Topic leader.. blah blah..etc..) from TVS Infotech on stage is just out of question. He had a wonderful session on "SAP Mobility and SAP Mobile Platform 3" which is one of the fast paced growing technologies in SAP. Later down the evening I was lucky enough to share some memorable movements with him. Midhun tried to restrict his expertise on the field with basic concepts on mobility which was easily grasping for the audience .He had a clinical surgery of all the approaches in mobility like Hybrid,SMS,Native,Mobile web with pros and cons of each. Demo on SAP Mobile Platform3 was great experience for me.

Had an Yummy meal from SaravanBhavan and  session resumed at 2.00 PM with Sixth presentation by Mr.SriKrishnan Vibu on topic "SAP HANA Database Migration :An Overview" from Tech Mahindra.He had explained us the various migrations options such as DB migration option of SUM DSO Phases, Classical Migration and Transformations. Had showed a detailed analysis chart depicting in each case which migration option we have to go as each has its own pros and cons. Transformations plays a vital role as it is capable of migrating any non SAP system to HANA DB.

Seventh was by Mr.stephen.cherian &Mr.ankur.kumar27 on topic "Jump start to HANA XS in SAP HANA Cloud Platform with WebIDE" from SAP Labs.Was a kind of extension for the morning session and we were again amazed by the beauty of the SAP HANA Web based development workbench .They were kind enough to share a lot of reference URLs with ready made tutorials available for beginners in SCN.

Eighth one was from another local boy Mr.karthikeyan.venkatesan on topic "Personalized User experience using SAP Screen Personas" from TCS.Being an Abaper I found this session very interesting as he has shown customization's of even SAP screens without using any user exits/screen exits. I was totally amazed at the way he had done the personalization including bringing fields from various tabs into a single one, adding picture in place of tcodes,changing the layout headers etc.I hardly remember any sessions in SIT without any questions from him as he had given a tough time :razz: for speakers on the stage.

Last but not the least was from Mr.krishna.tangudu,Man of the show on "SQL Usage & Benefits in HANA".The presentation was so unique as he had used Ms excel for explaining the concepts rather than using normal presentation materials which was a wonderful highlight of the show.Dynamic SQL was an interesting topic to listen as we are able to perform restriction based on user entries. Demo on exception handling was an interesting watch.

Networking session on the floor was a remarkable one as I am pretty sure every one might have got at least one or two good contacts and was very helpful for building contacts .Closing ceremony was round the corner and prizes for remarkable speakers and lucky winners were distributed. Photo session with all SITans was a memorable one and looking forward from Mr.mahesh.kumar8 blog for seeing those :razz:

Thanks to TCS especially Deepak Kota&Team for providing all the necessary hospitality for making this event as successful one. With more than 255 members SIT Chennai had a remarkable and a Colorful sign off.

Looking forward for more SITs...  :smile: :smile: :smile:

Your Feed backs /Comments/Corrections are well appreciated.


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