Simulation Workbench - Introduction
Data loaded to BW might go through complex transformations. In many case it is required to debug these transformations. BW provides standard simulation functionality that can be improved providing better interface. This is what Simulation Workbench is for. Major benefits of Simulation Workbench are:
- Simplified data selection;
- Improved data presentation;
- One stop shop for all simulations;
- Simple navigation to transformations and targets;
- Variants creation.
First part on the blog explains how to use of Simulation Workbench with Transformation Rules (BW 7.x data staging type) and second part with Transfer Rules and Update Rules (BW 3.x data staging type).
Simulation Workbench - Installation
Z_SIMULATION_WORKBENCH_BW_7X programs and create them in you system. Create ZSWB report transaction pointing to Z_SIMULATION_WORKBENCH_BW_7X program
Transactional Data Transfer Rule Simulation
Launch Simulation Workbech using trx. ZSWB. It will take you to following screen.
Keep defaults and select Target, Source and DTP. Simulation Workbench assists you all steps of the way.
To limit simulation to specific PSA requst select it from drop-down.
Select request from popup
Press F8 (Execute) on next screen
On next screen request selection can be refined providing additional selection.
Lets skip additional selection for now and just press F8 (Execute and Display of Log) to execute simulation.
Transformation rules get simulated and both After Extraction and After Transformation Temporary Storages are displayed one underneath another
Temporary Storage fields headers can be switched between Descriptions and Technical Names (in contrast with SAP standard functionality) to help you identify required field
Navigation to Transformation
From initial screen you can navigate to Transformation, for example, to set break point on specific Transformation Rule
Select Create on Transformation Rule
Copy ABAP code line
Open Transformation Rules Generated Program.
Lookup for copied ABAP code and set break-point.
Navigate all way to Simulation Workbench selection screen, press F8 (Execute) and then press F8 (Execute and Display of Log) on Debug Request popup.
Voilà simulation stopped at desired Transformation Rule
Navigation to Data Target
From Simulation Workbench selection screen you can also navigate to simulation target, for example, to find some request for simulation.
Copy Request Id.
Simulation Across All PSA Requests
If Request field is left empty on Simulation Workbench selection screen then all requests are selected for simulation. Use this option with caution because even well maintained PSA tables can have lots of records.
Simulation with Performance Optimized Request Selection
Optimize Request Selection option on Simulation Workbench selection screen can improve simulation performance. Check Optimize Request Selection check-box and press F8 (Execute)
Provide additional selection on Debug Request screen and press F8 (Execute and Display Log).
Press F8 (Execute and Display Log). What Simulation Workbench will do it will limit request selection based on additional selection provided.
Master Data Simulation
Transformation Rules for Master Data can also be simulated. Select Target, Source, DTP, Request and uncheck Expert Mode check box to skip Debug Request popup
Press F8 (Execute) button to simulate
Texts Transformation Rules Simulation
Transformation Rules for Texts can also be simulated. Select Target, Source, DTP, Request and uncheck Expert Mode check box to skip Debug Request popup
Press F8 (Execute) button to simulate
SAP Standard Output Format
Simulation Workbench also support SAP Standard Output Format for simulation result comparison (if in doubt)
Second part of the blog
Simulation Workbench: Part 2 - Transfer Rules and Update Rules