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When using the SAP Portal with Internet Explorer browsers, in some cases the content is displayed poorly and functionality is impaired. This might be because the content in the Portal was designed for an earlier version of IE. For these cases Microsoft developed the Compatibility View.

This feature allows administrators to set the Compatibility View, Standard mode and Quirks mode from server side.



Portal Versions:


SAP NetWeaver 7.00 SP28 and above.


SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SP13 and above.


SAP NetWeaver 7.02 SP12 and above.


SAP NetWeaver 7.11 SP11 and above.


SAP NetWeaver 7.20 SP08 and above.


SAP NetWeaver 7.30 SP08 and above.


SAP NetWeaver 7.31 SP05 and above.


How to use

In the versions mentioned above an iView called ‘Browser Document Mode’ was introduced. This iView adds an X-UA-Compatible HTTP header into the portal and affects both the IE Browser Mode and the Document Mode in a way mentioned here and here.


The iView is located under Content Administration -> Portal Content -> Portal Content -> Content Provided by SAP -> Admin Interfaces -> Admin iView Templates -> Browser Document Mode. Here you can change the default value of the iView, set to IE=EmulateIE7, meaning that the IE Browser Mode is IE7 Compatibility View and the IE Document Mode is Quirks. To change the iViews value, open it’s property editor -> select the Framework category -> and modify the Browser Document Mode value, as shown below:


The Browser Document Mode iView was also added to all the out-of-the-box portal framework pages. If you want to add this functionality to your own developed framework page, just copy the iView from the location above into your framework page. The iView should be one of the first iViews to run in the layout, and should be marked as Visible:



To verify that the iView is working, open an HTTP monitor, e.g. HttpWatch, and record the loading of the framework page, there you should see the x-ua-compatible response header with the configured value:


Hope this helps



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