Hello All,
I am writing this blog post for steps to upgrade SAP UI5 patch. First, let us understand what patch is.
SAPUI5 is versioned as follows: <major version>.<minor version>.<patch level>
That means that, for example, SAPUI5 1.60.13 is major version 1, minor version 60 and patch level 13.
- SAP UI5 1.60.1 check SAP NOTE: 2711925 - ABAP SAPUI5 1.60 release
- Implement 2711925 if SAP_UI 753 SP is lower than SP02 if note implement failed to upgrade the SAPUI version to SP02 or higher.
- Implement SAP NOTE 2614248 if SAP_UI 753 SP02
- SAP_UI 753 SP03 or higher can direct upgrade.
- SAP portal download access.
- Check currently installed version of SAPUI5
- Using CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + P in web application such as FIORI
- Press and hold the following buttons in sequence on web portal: CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + P.
- SAPUI5 releases show a modal pop up like the below
- Check the target supported version and file name to download.
- I am upgrading the patch to 1.60.25 which is the latest version.
- Download the UI5 from the marketplace.
- Select the file and click on the basket button or you can also directly download the file.
- Upload the .zip for test upgrade.
- If you want to update to a version, which is several versions higher than the existing one, then more time would be required for the update.
- Set the parameter rdisp/max_wprun_time = 12000 using Transaction RZ11 to avoid "TIME_OUT" dump in ST22
- Execute the report first in test mode.
- It will take time and give the output.
- If there are errors, contact SAP.
- if the results are okay, start the actual upgrade.
- Upload the .zip for the actual upgrade.
- Upgrade the DEV Environment first.
- Start transaction SE09 and create a Workbench Request
- Start transaction SE38 and execute program /UI5/UI5_UPLOAD_PATCH_TO_MIME
- Upload the patch file with TR No. to capture the changes.
- This TR we can use to upgrade QAS and PRD environment.
- Click on execute button to start the actual upgrade
- Check the upgraded version
- You can also check Using CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + P
The upgrade is successfully completed.
All screenshots are taken by me at the time of activity.
- Patch upgrade will fix the bugs which were in the previous version.
- In my case, there was some issue on iOS mobile so SAP recommends upgrading it to the latest patch.
- Changes are client independent and capture in workbench request which we will use to upgrade the landscape (DEV-QAS-PRD).
Thank you !!!