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Implementing Fiori apps is to get more value out of SAP S/4HANA business innovations and analytics. Best way to start S4 Hana implementation is define UI/UX strategy with Fiori in early stage of project during discover, prepare explore. It is at this moment, when talking about SAP delivers SAP Fiori application under new and renew, hence there is overlap between traditional GUI based applications and new out of box SAP Fiori functionalities.

This first blog in series explains SAP Fiori applications in Asset accounting. This will give basic idea on SAP Fiori application available for master data and transaction data posting in FI-AA. Below listed most of applications available as part of S4Hana 1909 release.

Fiori App 

Details and points to consider before roll out

F1615A/ F1615

Asset History Sheet



Design Studio / Web Dynpro

With this app, you can call up the asset history sheet that shows value changes to the fixed asset balances in a fiscal year for a depreciation area. The asset history sheet enables you to document and explain the balances on fixed assets for every accounting principle, any local regulation, and for management purposes. SAP provides pre-configured key figure groups that you can use for your reporting. These key figure groups bundle key figure codes, such as acquisitions, retirements, transfers, and depreciation.

Points to consider :For all new implementations chose F1615 – Webdynpro type Fiori application.

You can also create your own key figure groups in Customizing to define individual layouts and granularity for your reports.Key Figures select values from ACDOCA according to the MOVCAT + SLALITYPE fields. You can see view (SM34) VC_FAAC_KFC

Financial Accounting -> Asset Accounting -> Information System ->Display Key Figures for Asset Accounting (Fiori)

In GUI report S_ALR_87011990, there is an option to select History Sheet Version, which further changes the ALV as per configurations done in version setting. However, equivalent Fiori app- F1615A : Asset History Sheet (Design Studio) doesn't have this option available.

F1592 - Asset Master Worklist


Transaction SAP UI5 App

With this app you can display a worklist of fixed assets and quickly get an overview of the status of all assets in the list. As well as displaying a list according to specific criteria such as company code or asset class, you can quickly refine the list to show, for example, only incomplete assets, capitalized assets, or retired assets.

Points to consider: This app do not show unposted asset . In case we want to show unposted asset we need expose below GUI transaction into FIORI. "Directory of Unposted assets" and the t-code- S_ALR_87012056

F1614 Asset Transactions 

Type          Transaction SAP UI5 / Fiori App
With this app you can check and evaluate daily operations in Asset Accounting. The SAP standard key figure groups enable you to select asset transactions by group, such as acquisitions, retirements, or transfers. The report then displays all transactions of the selected key figure groups and their respective key figures. For example, retirements are listed with retirement revenues or costs, gains, losses, retired APC, and book value.

F3096-Asset Accounting Overview

Type Light House / Overview app

KPIs within the Asset Accounting area, and gain insight into current trends. The app provides a central source of information for the asset accountant, and offers a range of filters and built-in navigation to related apps. Below Cards are available based on your S/4 Hana version.

*Asset Balances        * Asset Transactions   *Asset Depreciation Values   *Asset Acquisitions           *Assets Under Construction       *Asset Transactions          *Depreciation to Be Posted                              * Asset Retirements        *Origin of Assets                      *Asset Transactions by Type                            *Asset Master Worklist           *Assets Under Construction - Aging
F1616 - Depreciation Lists

Type  Fiori App
This app serves as a supplement to the profit and loss statement. The key figures enable you to analyze the interest and depreciation of fixed assets. In addition, the status of depreciation and asset attributes, such as the depreciation key and the useful life, help you to analyze the reported figures.
F1617A/ F1617
Asset Balances 


Design Studio / Web Dynpro

With this app, you can display balances of fixed assets according to various criteria, such as company code, depreciation area, segment, or profit center. The report enables you to understand the netbook value of fixed assets derived from acquisition and production costs (APC) and depreciation. SAP provides pre-configured key figure groups that you can use for your reporting.

Points to consider Time Dependent data from asset master are not added into Asset Balance App. Do not show supplier name and personal number into lower S/4 Version. Asset Additional Description (TXA50) is not available in

Limited or Workflow Functionality not supported for create worklist alternatively need to use  GUI app to create work list using s AR01/
Manage Fixed Assets

A graphical representation of the asset's life cycle allows you to quickly get an overview of the asset’s status and adjust the valuation. Key figures, such as acquisition and production cost (APC), accumulated depreciation and netbook value, help you to understand the asset valuation in detail and to determine why unexpected value changes have occurred

It do not server function of Master data transaction = AS01/AS02/AS03 /  AW01N
Other Fiori Apps F1914, AFAB- Schedule Asset Accounting Jobs                                                                                   F0997-Display Asset Master Worklist
Other Considerations

SAP note : 3052618 SAP has introduced new Queries for Asset Balance and Asset History Sheet App.  To view new fields added by SAP we need to replace old queries with below Queries in the Target Mapping of the App.

Asset Balance - 2CCFASTBALANCE/Asset History Sheet - 2CCFASTHISTSHEET. You can also create your own reports on the cubes KPI reporting using. I_AssetBalanceCube and I_AssetHistorySheetCube.
Other GUI based App

Depreciation post/forecast  - ABAA/ABAAL/AR18N.                                                                         Retirement  / Transfer / Aqua.. - ABAON/ABAVN/ABT1N/ABUMN/F-90 etc . Other multiple GUI transaction can be exposed easily into Fiori . However ensure that GUI transaction is valid in S/4 Hana and do not overlap with new Fiori functionalities already provided above.

Apps Documentation 
Other Considerations Few Fiori app require default controlling area set in Fiori Launchpad In Fiori, go to your Profile > Settings > Default Values > Controlling Area, and set
Other Considerations SAP note : 3044725 -Ensure tables FINSC_PERIOD and FINSC_FISC_DATE are filled properly for fiscal year variant and appropriate fiscal year. If not, please use transaction SE38 to execute report FINS_GENERATE_FISCAL_PERIOD.
Other Considerations Design Studio application limited to show 10K records. Download records above cause performance issue. HTML GUI based Fiori application  has different behavior to download  as excel limited option to XXL format(SAP note 314568) .
Other Considerations SAP note 2997288 - Deprecation of design studio app. Most of design Studio application are delete and no longer supported from S/4 2018 cloud version.

Above blog focus on SAP S4 HANA Fiori applications in Asset accounting on Prem 1909 or above. . Next series of blogs will cover SAP S/4 HANA Fiori applications in Finance in GL / AR / AP .
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