Hi experts,
This is the continuation of my
previous blog , this time we're going to see how to set-up the outbound messages following the same approach as inbound:
So, we have the outbound TPM agreements:
As you can noticed I filled up the "Optional parameters" with the interface and namespaces and I put the Functional Profile to determine the mapping variant & routing configurations:
The following screenshot demonstrate how your IB could look after the implementation of the dynamic receiver & interface determinations:
001-Receive Idocs: You have the technical connections from the SAP systems to your SAP PO system
002-Forward Idocs to EDISEPARATOR:You have a
unique ICO to receive all the Idocs files and send to the EDISEPARATOR( nothing new here )
003-Execute mappings:Here is where all the magic happen
You have a unique ICO with a
Service Interface with multiple operations (one per message type & idoc type) with a sender communication channel who will handle all the Idocs
In the EDISeparator sender CC you must create the logic in a custom adapter module to pick the correct agreement & finally the functional profile to put the “
MAPPING_VARIANT” as a custom dynamic properties :
After that we can use those custom dynamic properties in the receiver determination step:
And of course you can use the latest custom dynamic property to execute the corresponding mapping variant:
004-Deliver messages to Partners:You need
one Receiver Agreement per receiver Partner and use a Service Interface with multiple operations( one per EDIFACT message ) to deliver all the EDIFACT messages.
How does it look in the A2A monitor?:
How does it look in the B2B monitor?:
As a conclusion I would say that there is a better way to build your B2B interfaces using all the tools provided by SAP PI & the B2B add-on than hardcode identifiers in communication channels, and end up with an unnecessary amount of objects in both ESR and IB without much sense, and personally I hope that SAP provides better documentation, best practices, and guidelines of the B2B add-on to avoid "Frankensteins" in SAP PI systems.
Not forget, be curious! ?