In the previous
part3 and
part4 we have seen on how to export the DB from AIX and to install ASCS and SCS and import DB on Linux. In this part we will see on how to install the primary and secondary application servers and post installation steps.
1. Successfully exported DB from AIX.
2. /sapmnt directory is mounted on piqdb00.
3. ASCS & SCS Instance is successfully installed.
4. Successfully imported DB.
1. Login into piqapp01 with root and goto root directory. Once we are in root create four directories like shown below. Once we create these directories we will add the mounts from ASCS in /etc/fstab. Given below are the screenshots.
[root@piqapp01 ~]# pwd
[root@piqapp01 /]# mkdir -p /sapmnt/PIQ/exe /sapmnt/PIQ/global /sapmnt/PIQ/profile /SWPM
[root@piqqpp01 /]# vi /etc/fstab
##Mount points from ASCS
piqascs00:/sapmnt/PIQ/exe /sapmnt/PIQ/exe nfs defaults 0 0
piqascs00:/sapmnt/PIQ/profile /sapmnt/PIQ/profile nfs defaults 0 0
piqascs00:/sapmnt/PIQ/global /sapmnt/PIQ/global nfs defaults 0 0
piqascs00:/SWPM /SWPM nfs defaults 0 0
2. Once we added, mount it using command mount -a and check they are successfully mounted using df -k.
[root@piqapp01 /]#mount -a
[root@piqapp01 /]# df -k
3. Run SWPM and login with root user and password and Accept the certificate.
[root@piqapp01 SWPM]# nohup /SWPM/sapinst -nogui &
4. Login with root user and password.
5. Select Primary Application Server Instance from the below screen.
6. Select Custom.
7. Specify the path for JVM.
8. Specify the mount for Profile directory.
10. Specify Master Password.
11. Specify sidadm password.
12. Specify Database SID and Host name.
13. Specify Kernel, IGS, DBATools Sar file location.
14. Specify sapadm password.
15. Specify No for Oracle Multitenant Database.
16. Specify ABAP schema, DB Server and Client Version.
17. Specify the primary instance number and instance host.
18. Specify Message Server Port:
19. Specify Oracle Client Software location.
20. Specify Java component folder location.
21. Specify instance RAM to be used.
22. Specify password for ICM webadm user.
23. Specify if we want to register the system onto an existing SLD else say No.
24. Specify No for Message Control Access Control List.
25. Uncheck for not interrupting before starting the SAP system check box.
26. Uncheck Execute Reports for depooling.
27. Specify DDIC password.
25. For secure storage select the checkbox for Default key.
26. Make sure the parameters specified so far are good else revise in the below screen and click Next.
27. If we don’t run into any issues Primary Application Server Instance will be successfully installed.
Installing Additional Instances:
- /sapmnt directory is mounted on piqapp02
- ASCS, SCS, Database and Primary Application Server Instances are successfully installed.
For the additional application server installations everything remains same like how we installed Primary Application Server. So I am only giving what is different from the PAS installation.
When we get SWPM home screen we need to go to this path for installing the additional instances:
Also when giving the instance number for additional instances specify other than the one we specified for PAS in the below screen shot:
After successful installation we can get the below screen:
Now we successfully migrated from AIX to Linux lets move onto doing Post Installation steps.
Post Installation Steps:
1. Take Online/Offline Backup as per your company’s policy for this system. If we run into any issues we have a place to go back, we don’t want to start all over again ?
2. If any indexes are ignored during the Database Import process please recreate it.
3. If any tables are ignored during the Database import process please import them using R3LOAD from OS Level (this is not covered in this blog)
4. Login into PI Exchange Profile and find the DB value piqdb01 and change to piqdb00. (this is required only if you change your installation from Standard to Distributed during OS upgrade) else will not apply.
5. Check for other values and change the values in exchange profile as per new landscape details.
6. Connect/Register the new system onto SLD and make sure the new system details are updated in SLD.
7. Apply permanent license for the new system.
8. Update/Configure SSO for the new system.
9. Create new PI Logical system in other systems which are connected.
10. Update RFC destinations, Ports, Partner Profiles etc in PI and also in the systems which are connected to PI to send and receive Idocs.
11. Update integration server details in sxmb_adm transaction of other SAP systems so that Proxy communications will work.
The above given steps are some of the highlevel steps which needs to be done. Steps may vary and depends on each clients landscapes.
With this we have completed this series of blogs where we have seen the OS migration from AIX to Linux. Hope this will be handy to all the Basis Administrators to plan and execute the migration tasks.
Good Luck to you all !!! Please kindly do share your comments !!!