In the
first blog of the series we have seen the export preparations and table splitting process. In this blog we will see how to export AIX DB.
1. Start again SWPM process --> Select Database Instance Export like shown below and click Next.
2. Specify Profile Directory.
3. Specify Database SID and host name.
4. We have downloaded the kernel from SAP market place and will use this kernel for this process. So select checkbox Use Dedicated Kernel for System Copy in the below screen.
5. Specify the kernel path.
6. Specify the location for Database Export.
7. Specify Target Database and select Split STR Files.
8. Now let’s go ahead and create a shared folder called SQL.
9. Login into ABAP stack and run program SMIGR_CREATE_DDL from SE38 transaction. In the selection screen specify the folder we have created above.
10. Executing the above program will give us the below result.
11. Now go back to export process and specify the SQL folder which we created above.
12. Select New Export from Scratch.
13. Specify Use database-specific implementation option.
14. Specify the parameters for splitting process.
15. Choose Little Endian and specify 72 for number of parallel jobs.
How we got 72 is 3 times the number of lcpu. In my current system we can found out at OS level using lparstat. Not necessarily we have to use this way, the number we gave doesn’t over the kill the system and at the same time if we give less number it will take more time to export.
16. Specify Key Phrase.
17. Specify the Package Split size. In my case we have given as 300M.
18. Specify the number of Parallel jobs.
19. Specify No for Database Stats.
20. Check the parameters specified so far and click on Next.
21. Once the export starts it will continue and will stop at this process if the current system is running.
22. Now shutdown all the applications except DB and say OK in the above screen.
23. If we don’t run into any issues system will export the DB successfully.
This completes the second blog in this series. What we have learnt in this part is how to export the DB in the existing AIX landscape. In the next
part3 we will see on how to install ascs, scs, servers.