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recently I have posted the workflow analysis with SAP Lumira: Workflow analysis with SAP Lumira [Data Geek Challenge]

Analysis has been done for about 375,000 data rows.

So I decided to run the analysis for the complete dataset - about 21,000,000 (twenty one million) rows.

Analysis done on Windows 7 based PC with core i7 2600K (2nd gen), 8GB RAM and SSD Disk.

Exported from HANA csv file had a size of almost 3,5 GB!!!

Memory state after windows start

Memory state after Lumira load

Memory state after analysis

So... less than 2 GB RAM used for 3,5 csv file analysis. PC with 4+ GB RAM can be used for analysis of huge amount of data. 

Responce times are acceptable you can see it on the following screencast (unfortunatelly without sound).

Best Regards,


P.S.:  English language is not my native language, and any person is not insured from mistakes and typing errors. If you have found an error in the text, please let me know - I'll correct the post.

P.P.S.: If you have some ideas, how to correct/improve this post - please don't hesitate to leave a comment.

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