This was a Visual BI webcast last week, covering where Design Studio and Lumira are headed
How these are combined into next major release
Figure 1: Source: Visual BI
Things might change in the future
Figure 2: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Core of what happens in Lumira 2.x
Still 2 products – customer can use 2 product
1 product in terms of technology, branding
You decide Lumira Discovery (Desktop) or Lumira Designer (Design Studio)
Still 2 clients
Figure 3: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Figure 3 shows the consolidation of BI tools
Figure 4: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Why is SAP doing this?
Sharing technology
Lumira gains access to BW/HANA
Design Studio gains offline data access
Retain scenarios already familiar with
Interop between the products
Figure 5: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Three main categories
Design Studio is for the power user, IT professional
SAP Lumira is the tool for your business user
Top – Analysis Office – Excel, PowerPoint, quickly analyze data
Figure 6: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Figure 6 shows what happens in 2017
Still have 2 installable products
Figure 7: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Today 2 add-ons
Future – one add-on
Lumira was using Velocity engine for offline access
Lumira will gain strong BW/HANA integration
Both tools will have ability to talk to online/offline data sources
Figure 8: Source: Visual BI/SAP
2.x features interoperability
Figure 9: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Licenses today honored and move on to the next release
Figure 10: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Facet navigation won’t be there in 2.x
Figure 11: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Lumira Discovery (new name for Lumira Desktop) – see on the right side will have home screen feeling, latest items, last connections used, server connections
Global search is part of the home screen too
Figure 12: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Lumira Discovery will move away from the 3 room concept; it will be single-screen/canvas workflow
Figure 13: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Reduce chart types but not losing functionality
Example: today Lumira has a column chart, column with dual axis, combination chart – reduce chart types and make elements visible/configured
Figure 14: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Filter for only for chart, or multiple charts, or page, or complete story
Figure 15: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Input control so user can interactively filter
Drag and drop filter onto canvas
Figure 16: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Major enhancement is connectivity
Design Studio has a strong integration with BW and HANA
Now it will be shared in 2.x with both clients
HTTP connection means you don’t have to configure ODBC connection
Figure 17: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Going into both clients
Enhancements – PDF export
Figure 18: Source: Visual BI/SAP
If you use bookmarks in DS before and earlier versions
There are limitations today; not select specific items overall dashboards/application; SAP plans to address 2.x
Decide which elements of overall dashboards become part of the bookmark
Personal vs. global bookmarks
Figure 19: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Create new component without code
Creating own “constellation of elements” - checkboxes, grid box, panel, logo to reuse in multiple dashboards
Figure 20: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Not many details on this often-discussed feature
Figure 21: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Chart becomes contextually aware
Figure 22: Source: Visual BI/SAP
ESRI maps will be part of the product, similar to what happened to Lumira Desktop (ESRI maps are part of the product)
Figure 23: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Conditional formatting – plan general conditional formatting – data source independent
Figure 24: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Prompting dialog improves as shown in Figure 24.
Figure 25: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Ability to define list of values – define once
How many members you want to have
Reuse definitions across components
Figure 26: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Single cell selection and related screen
Figure 27: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Key advantage is shown in Figure 27
Figure 28: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Scheduling – based on a discover dataset
2.x focuses on BusinessObjects platform
Figure 29: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Update add-on and client tool
Conversion is shown in Figure 29
Figure 30: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Option 1 – keep in 1.6 (like BW3.5 to 7.0, still use 3.5 queries) – same idea
Upgrade at a different point in time
Figure 31: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Figure 31 shows the platform going forward is the BI platform
Figure 32: Source: Visual BI/SAP
Share material between discovery & designer unlike before
Also see some upcoming workshops
Question & Answer
Q: offline mean?
A: means offline data – connecting to BW system
Q: Do we need additional licenses for Lumira if we have BusinessObjects licenses?
A: Check your license – today have Lumira Desktop & add-on
Q: Can Lumira 1.31 and 2.0 coexist?
A: No official statement