th wave of industrial revolution. IoT
Bob Caswell, Senior Product Manager, IoT Smart Connected Business
Internet VS IoT
Internet = product of people, by people, for people, is about people
IoT = Physical world(with ability to sense & interact) seamlessly interact with digital world(using internet). By things, for all(people & things).
IoT already exist since early as 1974 but why its booming now? Due this 3 factors are more feasible compare to yesteryear. Because IoT sensors are increasingly available, affordable and easily scalable even plug & play. And internet connections are reaching out to all corners of the world in rapid speed.
In short IoT changes a standalone machine to a “Connected Good”. Which not only can do its pre-programed task but also gather information for various purpose from basic maintenance of the machine to holistic planning & solution in a given area or industry.
By 2030, 50 Billion devices are expected to be a connected goods. Here comes the SAP to tap into IoT market & give competitive advantage to its existing & new customers by providing a platform to facilitate companies with connected goods to go digital by intelligently connecting people, things and business. WITH SAP LEONARDO.
Where SAP Leonardo stands in SAPs overall strategy?
Right in the middle. As how S/4 HANA is being introduce across many portfolio of SAP, the same thing expected for SAP Leonardo.
Source OpenSAP
SAP Leonardo Components
Note : All the other components are already available for SAP customer expect “Leonardo Bridge”. In development stage.
SAP Leonardo Bridge sample from SAP Lab. Pipeline Management, cockpit view.
There is 2 key element of SAP Leonardo : Design Thinking & Prototyping. And SAP even have tool for it, that will be topic for my
next blog : SAP Leonardo – Design Thinking & Prototyping with SAP BUILD. Stay Tune.