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Part of the SAP HANA Academy's SAP HANA Vora series, tahirhussain.babar details how to install and use the SAP HANA Vora Developer Edition in a set of four tutorial videos.

All of the syntax and code used throughout this series can be accessed and downloaded from GitHub.

Requesting Access and AWS Security

In the first video Bob shows how to request access for the SAP HANA Vora Developer edition and how to set the proper security features in AWS.

To register for access to the instance navigate to on a web browser, click on the Try SAP HANA button and select the link for "Get started for free" underneath the SAP HANA Vora:Developer Edition header. Then click on the link at the bottom of this blog post and enter your information. Within a few hours you should get an email from the SAP HANA Vora team with details about how to access the instance. The most important piece of information in the email will be an AWS AMI link. This will send you to an AWS imagine that you can use to create a SAP HANA Vora cluster.

A prerequisite for this series is that you have an AWS account and that you've created a VPC and a security group. Bob shows how to create a VPC by walking through the the wizard that is accessed from the AWS dashboard. A new security group will also be created to accompany your new VPC. A security group is similar to a firewall. It enables you to determine which ports are open and which machines can access your network.

To change which machines can access your system, click on the Security Groups link from your EC2 dashboard. Select the recently created security group and navigate to the inbound tab. If you click the edit button you can specify a certain IP address that will have access to the SAP HANA Vora Developer Edition. Another method is to click on the Add Rule button and choose the specific ports that you want open. For his system Bob opens port ranges for SSH, HTTP, HTTPS, as well as the pair of ranges shown below that are used for Apache Spark and Zeppelin.

Bob recommends enabling all machines to talk to each other by adding a pair of rules for ALL ICMP and ALL TCP for the security group.

How to Launch the SAP HANA Vora Master AMI

In the second video in the series Bob details how to launch the SAP HANA Vora master AMI.

While logged into your AWS account paste the AMI link from the email you received from the SAP HANA Vora team into a new tab on your web browser. Click on Launch and select m3.large. This image has a very low RAM because it doesn't contain SAP HANA Vora. This image has Ambari and with Ambari we will create a Hadoop cluster on other machines. This cluster in turn will be used to install SAP HANA Vora material on other machines.

Follow the steps in the launch wizard including changing the network to your recently created Vora Dev Edition VPC and choosing whether or not you want to use an elastic IP address. Tag the instance if you choose to and select the security group you configured recently. Finally you can use an existing key pair or create a new one. The key pair will enable you to access the nodes on your Linux server via SSH. If creating a new key pair make sure you download and save it before launching the instance. The launching of the instance will take around 10 minutes

Once the instance is launched Bob recommends first naming it (Bob names his Vora Dev Edition - Master) and then tagging it. Next, from the EC2 dashboard, navigate to IMAGES, then ELASTIC BLOCK STORE, and then Elastic IPs under NETWORK & SECURITY. Select Allocate New Address and choose EPI used in: VPC to create a new public elastic IP address. Right click on the new IP address and choose Associate Address. In the window that pops-up choose the Vora Dev Edition - Master Instance and click Associate.

To test that everything is working properly, copy the public IP address and paste it into a new tab on your web browser. You should encounter the below screen. Click on Advanced and then Proceed to IP address. If the screen does not appear than restart your instance.

How to Create SAP HANA Vora Nodes

In the series' third video Bob shows how to use the SAP HANA Vora Developer Edition to create a two node cluster in AWS.

First, to authenticate the cluster manager with AWS, as the root user open the Security Credentials link in AWS and click on the plus button next to Access Keys to create your own Access Key and Secret Access Key. Then enter your Access Key and Secret Access Key on the IP address page that the previous video finished on. Once validated, set a new Cluster Manager password before clicking Setup SAP HANA Vora. This will create two images, a master node and secondary node.

Bob recommends tagging your pair of new nodes and then creating and associating an elastic IP address for your master node. Once your instances have started you should have a screen that looks similar to the one below with a configured cluster message. The SAP HANA Vora Developer Edition was configured on a two node cluster and has Ambari administration, Spark, AppBook and Zeppelin as resources. The ADD NODE button can be used to easily add nodes to the cluster.

Bob next highlights how to use the Ambari administrator. The username is admin and the password is in the SAP HANA Vora Developer Edition email you received. On Ambari, HDFS is installed along with MapReduce, YARN, Zookeeper, Ambari Metrics and SAP HANA Vora. Viewing the Hosts tab of Ambari, Bob shows that SAP HANA Vora has been installed on both the master and secondary node. To wrap up the video Bob quickly highlights Spark and Zeppelin.

Overview of What is Available and Installed - Connecting and Testing

In the fourth and final video of the series Bob provides an overview on what is now available and installed on both the master and secondary nodes with the SAP HANA Vora Developer Edition.

One way to connect to the SAP HANA Vora Shell is to right click on the master node in AWS and choose connect. If you use the Java SSH Client directly from my browser option, you must enter the user name and the PEM key path. Be aware that this method of connection is not possible in all web browsers.

Another way to connect is to use the standalone SSH client option via PuTTY. First copy the master node's public IP address. Then Google "putty download", navigate to this page and then choose to download and install the putty.exe and puttygen.exe files.

Launch PuTTYgen, click on Conversions, load the HANA Vora Developer Edition PEM Key file you saved earlier and then click yes to convert the PEM key into a PPK. Then open PuTTY and connect to the master node's IP address using the correct port number. Then open up the authentication option, select SSH and load the PPK file. Then save the connection details and start PuTTY.

As the Vora user Bob shows that Vora and Zeppelin have already been installed. Bob enters the below commands starting with hdfs to see that a test.csv file has already been loaded to Hadoop and contains three columns.

Bob then starts the Apache Spark Shell. Bob shows how to access this file from GitHub on the single node SAP HANA Installation and directs you to these videos for more information on how to test your Spark Shell connection. Bob enters the code below from GitHub. The code first imports SAP SQL context, which provides the functionality to create tables and write select statements.

Next Bob enters the lines below to create a table using the test.csv file.

The next line of code executes the creation of the table.

Finally Bob runs the statement select * from testtable to return the below single row of data.

After Bob shows how to use SSH to connect to the two node cluster containing the SAP HANA Vora Developer Edition using a Mac. First in his Desktop, Bob gives the rights to access the VoraDevEdition.pem key file with chmod 400. Then Bob runs the below command starting with SSH and ending with the master node's IP address to connect to the SAP HANA Vora Developer Edition.

If you haven't already, Bob recommends watching this pair of videos on installing and testing Zeppelin to learn how to use Zeppelin.

For more tutorials on how to install and use SAP HANA Vora please check out this playlist.

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