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Latest News

31.Jan.2025SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (32/64bit) patch 11 released
15.Nov.2024SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (32/64bit) patch 10 released
26.Sep.2024SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (32/64bit) patch 9 Hotfix 1 released
06.Sep.2024SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (32/64bit) patch 9 released
28.Jun.2024SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (32/64bit) patch 8 released
26.Apr.2024SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (32/64bit) patch 7 released
22.Mar.2024SAP GUI for Windows 7.70 patch 16 (FINAL) released
03.Mar.2024SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (32/64bit) patch 6 Hotfix 1 released
16.Feb.2024SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (32/64bit) patch 6 released
08.Dec.2023SAP GUI for Windows 7.70 patch 15 released
01.Dec.2023SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (32/64bit) patch 5 released
29.Sep.2023SAP GUI for Windows 7.70 patch 14 released
22.Sep.2023SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (32/64bit) patch 4 released
08.Aug.2023SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (32/64bit) patch 3 Hotfix 1 released
07.Jul.2023SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (32/64bit) patch 3 released
07.Jul.2023SAP GUI for Windows 7.70 patch 13 released
05.May.2023SAP GUI for Windows 7.70 patch 12 released
25.Apr.2023SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (32/64bit) patch 2 released (emergency Patch - see note 3322385)
31.Mar.2023SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (32/64bit) patch 1 released
24.Feb.2023SAP GUI for Windows 7.70 patch 11 released
27.Jan.2023SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (32/64bit) released


SAP GUI 8.00 (32/64bit) for Windows (end of support - January 12th 2027)

-=(Latest Patch 11)=-

next patch expected (11 April 2025)

-=(Installation comp. 1)=-

compilation 10
latest patch11


This table shows the latest patch level of SAP GUI on the last line, and full compilations and their patch levels.

* It seems recently, SAP releases only one full compilation!
* 64bit version cannot be used on 32bit platforms, and products below SAP_BASIS 7.00!
* Hotfixes require the relevant patch to be installed first!
* Just like SAP GUI patches hotfixes are cumulative and contain the corrections from all previous hotfixes for the same patchlevel and all corrections from the patchlevel the hotfix was created for itself. As of SAP GUI for Windows 7.60, hotfixes and regular patches can also be used as full installations. This means that you do not need a compilation DVD anymore to directly upgrade to the specific hotfix / patch. (1489891 - Hotfixes for SAP GUI for Windows)

How to download?

Use the -= =- links above
Thanks to treddy_karra/profile

Useful notes:

1053737 - Expected release dates for SAP GUI for Windows (patches)
166130 - SAP front end: Delivery and compatibility (DVD material / compilation patch levels)
147519 - Maintenance strategy / deadlines for SAP GUI
377705 - SAP GUI versioning schema
1489891 - Hotfixes for SAP GUI for Windows
26417 - SAP GUI Resources: Hardware and software (hardware and software requirements of SAP GUI for Windows)
66971 - Supported SAP GUI platforms
1670678 - New features in SAP GUI for Windows 7.30
2022335 - New features in SAP GUI for Windows 7.40
2417687 - New features in SAP GUI for Windows 7.50
2600384 - New and changed features in SAP GUI for Windows 7.60
2796898 - New and changed features in SAP GUI for Windows 7.70
3075781 - New and changed features in SAP GUI for Windows 8.00
138869 - SAP GUI on Windows Terminal Server (WTS)
2669086 - SAP Logon 750: support migration from SAP Logon INI files in the Windows directory to the SAP UI Landscape files
722513 - Desktop Office Integration: Maintenance information
103174 - Compatibility of Office products
1442028 - SAP GUI for Windows / Desktop Office Integration: Support for Office 64bit editions

Useful links:

Notification service for news about SAP GUI for Windows - you can use this thread to be informed for the latest patch (not working any more, link kept for history purposes)
SAP GUI Comunity in SCN
SAP GUI Family - a lot more information about SAP GUI, updated regularly
Single Sign-On for SAP GUI


SAP GUI OS supportability matrix (Note 66971)

*this table is not complete and may contain errors.

SAP GUI 7.30YesYesYesYes, FP?NoNoNo
SAP GUI 7.40NoYesYesYesYesYes, FP4No
SAP GUI 7.50NoYesYesYesYesYesNo
SAP GUI 7.60NoNoYesNoYesYesNo
SAP GUI 7.70NoNoNoNoYesYesYes, FP04
SAP GUI 8.00NoNoNoNoNoYesYes





compilation 10
latest patch16

Support ended - April 9th, 2024


compilation 10
latest patch15

Support ended - April 12th, 2022

compilation 11
compilation 24
latest patch15

Support ended - April 9th 2019

compilation 10
compilation 25
compilation 38
latest patch19

Support ended - January 9th 2018

compilation 10
compilation 24
compilation 37
latest patch15


compilation 10
compilation 24
compilation 37
latest patch17


compilation 10
compilation 27
compilation 311
compilation 414
latest patch22


compilation 20
compilation 38
compilation 414
compilation 518
latest patch33


compilation 10
compilation 29
compilation 322
compilation 432
compilation 536
compilation 644
latest patch78


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