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We come across situations where we want to find all the apps for a particular module. SAP Fiori Apps Reference Library is a great resource, to search for apps and find additional information on them.

In this blog post, I will explain how all the apps can be downloaded to excel format. The download to excel helps in analysis and easy filtering. For example, you can easily find all Fiori light house applications and then filter them by Role/Module of your choice.


Steps to Download list of all Fiori Apps:

Step 1- Open SAP Fiori Apps Reference Library   & Click on All Apps


Step 2- Choose List View from bottom of the screen


Step 3- Click on Settings and then Select All columns for display, and click Ok


Step 4- Click on Download, and this will generate an excel file in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format on your machine


Step 5- Enjoy the data, perform any type of analysis you need, a sample analysis with a pivot function in excel is shown below.  You get all the information in one file, and you can use it as per your need.


Final Notes:

All images were captured from SAP Fiori Apps Reference Library website which is publicly accessible.

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