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Shortly after an Upgrade to SP 10 in our SAP CRM 7.0 system (cf. I also performed an upgrade to SP13. In this document I've collected the errors we encountered during the service pack upgrade as well as the relevant notes to solve them.

Post Installation Activities

The necessary post install activities are described here: There is no change in the post install activities from SP10 to SP13.

Errors after the Service Pack Upgrade


When trying to edit an existing document template after the upgrade to SP 13 the system dumped with the following error message:

        CREATE DATA: The specified type " " is no valid data type.

Note 1793086  - Attribute value having quote mark causes application dump solved this issue.

  • Error message "Country XXX does not match with country code XX" when creating a new business partner

After the upgrade the error message described above was raise whenever a business partner of type person was created. However, the corresponding Note 1774328  - ICWC: Country might not match when creating Business Partner was not valid for our system. The reason for this error was a custom implementation of the BAdI CRM_IUICMD_BADI. If the described error occurs after an upgrade to SP 13 you need to check if a custom implementation of the BAdI CRM_IUICMD_BADI exists and compare it with the default implementation provided by SAP.

  • Documents attached to Appointments can not be opened

After the upgrade to SP 13 Documents attached to appointments could not be opened in the IC Web Client any more. While the link was still present no document was opened when the link was clicking. This was true for SAP standard views (e.g. GS_CM/DocList) as well as some custom development. The note 1815355  - Cannot open attachments from Business Context view in IC described this issue. However, implementing it did not solve the problem. The underlying reason is, that since the performance improvements described in note 1671603  - Performance with generating URL link to display attachments the attribute URL_TO_DISPLAY of the BOL object CMDocument is not filled any more. Therefore, some custom enhancements needed to  be implemented. The following code can be used to retrieve the URL to display an CMDocument after SP 13:

          entity->get_property_as_value( EXPORTING iv_attr_name = 'DOC_KEY'
                                    IMPORTING ev_result    = doc_key ).
     cl_crm_cm_genil_comp=>gr_cm_control->get_content_url( EXPORTING iv_key = doc_key
                                                           IMPORTING ev_url = url ).


After the upgrade we got a large number of dumps in the production system. These dumps all occurred during the creation of the shared memory object CL_BSP_WD_SHM_AREA. Note 1281896 - High Memory Consumption and CRM Webclient describes the solution to this problem. In our case the dumps did not occur any more after we set the shared memory parameter (abap/shared_objects_size_MB) to a minimum size of 350 MB.

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