Objective :
This blog post is to provide the insight of CIG ( Cloud Integration Gateway ) implementation challenges faced in real time , analysis of these challenges and the fixes applied to resolve the issues.
For customers – There is no subscription fee hence better ROI ( return on investment) on Ariba implementation.
For consultants – No need to have technical integration experience ( like you need in case of SAP PI / PO ) to implement this product.
However, like every other implementation , CIG has its own challenges which needs to be addressed and resolved to achieve seamless integration and meet business goals and objectives.
This blog post will explain the challenges and the solutions for the Master Data flow from S4 HANA system to Ariba via CIG.
- Master Data consists of general information that resides on SAP system that SAP Ariba Buying uses to build and process data in transactions.
Master Data can be categorized as :
- Organizational Data such as Company code, Plant, Purchasing Org and Purchasing Group.
- Cross Application Configuration Data such as Payment Terms and INCO Terms.
- Material Master Data such as Item category and ERP Commodity codes.
Business case :
- The Master Data residing in customer’s ERP ( SAP ECC / S4 HANA ) is the source of truth of all the information required / relevant for PO ( purchase order ) , GR ( goods receipt ) and asset creation.
- This Master Data should be seamlessly integrated with SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing solution.
- CIG ( Cloud Integration Gateway ) is the medium through which this connectivity is established between customer’s ERP ( SAP ECC / S4 HANA ) and SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing.
- The next section showcases some of the challenges / issues encountered during CIG master data integration , their causes and the respective fixes which helped to resolve the issues.
Errors encountered in CIG while replicating the master data to Ariba from ECC / S4 HANA
1. Error in name space in CIG when master data is failed to update in Ariba :
Name Space error in CIG (Source : Our Demo system)
Solution :
Update name space in CIG integration config to remove the above error as below.
Replace the current name space with New Namespace (Source : Our Demo system)
2. Master Data failed in CIG due to error 502
The error 502 needs to be fixed by Ariba Tech engineering team . Please refer the below OSS note for the error 502 in CIG
Solution :
3. Error 401 – CIG to ECC ( Authorization error )
401 error in CIG (Source : Our Demo system)
Solution :
- Check the integration user id has all necessary access.
- Check the proxy and port details and make sure same details are available in S4 HANA and CIG.
- Check the cloud connector setup for sub account details matching with S4 HANA
- Check any changes happened at Client side network and ask them to allow the CIG to connect with S4 HANA.
4.Master Data flow failed from SAP ECC / S4 HANA to Ariba ( Communication error )
Communication error in ECC / S4 HANA while replicating master data to Ariba
(Source : Our Demo system)
Solution :
Webservices needs to be configured and activated as below:
(Source : Our Demo system)
Conclusion :
To conclude , this blog post provides the insight of CIG ( Cloud Integration Gateway ) implementation challenges faced ( errors ) in real time and the fixes applied to resolve those errors related to the master data replication from S/4 system to Ariba (parent and child site).
Let me know your comments to improve the content of the blog post , will be glad to enhance the blog post.
Selva Kumar