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I do not see where the official SAP Help has been updated yet but I did notice the software was available for download this morning:
So I will only cover what I have observed so far.

Table Rule Design Editor

The table rule design editor now has a copy button (far left)

Link Dimensions

You can link dimensions across crosstabs, and this means when you filter on the main cross tab it will also filter and navigate across the linked cross tabs.  They should share common dimensions

You can see the above icon indicates they are "linked"

Group Dimensions

You can group dimensions to "dependent" cross tabs.  One cross tab becomes the "main".

The common dimension appears only once after grouping

You can see crosstab 1 is main, crosstab 2 is dependent

You can ungroup in the dependent cross tab or from the ribbon:

You can only navigate in the "master" cross tab

No Display

You can define a dimension to be "no display" in the Properties panel

Workbook Protection

You can select operations allowed while protecting workbook

Exclude Copy & Paste from Clipboard or File
You can explicitly exclude members from a file or a range

Example clipboard:

Filter based on copy clipboard:


More to come, especially after the official SAP Help is released.
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