While the first blog
Results of the global Survey 2018 for SAP Process Integration (Part 1 of 2) contains the results around SAP PI/PRO and SAP integration this second part focuses on cloud integration and IoT.
Survey Results - Cloud Integration
What are the reasons that specific or all interfaces remain on your company's on-premise integration platform?
What is your main driver for a cloud-based integration platform?
General strategy for cloud services in five year horizon
Which business processes do you use or plan to integrate via a cloud-based integration platform?
Which impact has the S/4HANA migration to your integration strategy and landscape?
Which platform do you use for the integration of cloud solutions?
SAP Cloud Platform Integration: On which areas should SAP focus in regards to new functionality and enhancements?
Survey Results - IoT
Are there scenarios where you see the need for integration of devices/sensors/things in your organisation?
Which types of protocols should be supported when it comes to IoT device integration?
Do you prefer on-premise IoT platform over a cloud-based IoT platform?
IoT platforms already in use in your company