On Windows Operating System, After Upgrading/downgrading Patch or Support Packs in BOBJ system. The Tomcat Service will not appear in the Central Configuration Manager (CCM) and does not appear in Windows Services. Same way tomcat service my miss in CCM if it was accidentally deleted. This Document will guide us to restore the missing tomcat entry.
To restore Tomcat entry along with customized properties, it is strongly recommended to have the below preparation steps recorded in a document for reference
- Take screen shots for tomcat properties from Central configuration manager.
Open CCM -> give right click on Tomcat Entry->Click on Properties -> Take Backup of Command
2. Take the backup of tomcat configuration
Open Tomcat configuration now through the Start Menu > All Programs > Tomcat > Tomcat Configuration> give Right Click and Run as Administrator.
Go to Java Tab and Take Backup of all the fields and memory assignments.
- Java virtual machine:
- Java classpath
Java options
3.Take Tomcat DIR backup.
Go to “<Installation DIR>\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat” and take Backup of all the files and directories except work dir.
With the above steps all the customizing details related to tomcat entry on CCM is captured.
Restoring Tomcat Entry
Note: Please follow the below steps only if we face issues as shown below to start tomcat after BOBJ update or if tomcat entry itself missing in CCM.
1. Request OS team to reboot the host and If Tomcat Entry missing from CCM, follow as below.
2. Open CMD as administrator and Navigate to below location.
Installation DIR
\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat\bin>
in my case it is D:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat\bin>
3. Execute the below Command to get back the tomcat entry.
" service.bat install BOEXI40Tomcat "
4. Ensure the Tomcat Entry added Back to CCM (Do not try to start/stop)
5. Now add the Properties back at Tomcat Configuration “Java” Tab (refer step 2 of preparations i.e “Take the backup of tomcat configuration”)
6. Goto “D:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat\conf” location and Rename the Existing “server.xml”
7. Copy the server.xml file from tomcat Backup (from tomcat_Backup\conf) and Place it at “D:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat\conf”
8. Start Tomcat and check the connectivity.