This was a comprehensive ASUG webcast last week given by SAP.
Source: SAP
Webcast abstract:
Delivery of new features and functionality of BW/4HANA2.0. Understand the impacts with regards to Data Tiering Optimization, the Modeling Tools, SAP Data Hub integration and new "push downs" of OLAP capabilities.
Lothar Henkes, SAP
Gordon Witzel, SAP
You can register for replay here. Don't forget to register for these related upcoming webcasts:
February 13
BI: What's New: Data Wrangling and Modeling in SAP Analytics Cloud
February 14
BI: Empowering Business Users with Analytics On The Go
February 19
BI: SAP Analytics Cloud for BW Customers
February 28:
#askSAP Call: SAP Analytics 2019 Strategy and Roadmap
March 27
BI: Influence of Agility and Big Data Principles to BW/4HANA Architecture
March 28
BI: Overview of Latest BI Features in SAP Cloud Analytics
April 2
BI: A Beginner’s Guide to Use SAP Analytics Cloud for Business Planning
April 3
BI: Smart Predict Update
April 9
BI: Data Protection & Privacy with BW/4HANA
April 10
BI: What's New with Application Design in SAP Analytics Cloud
April 16
BI: What's New in Transitioning from SAP BW to SAP BW/4HANA
May 16
BI: BW/4HANA and Data Hub Integration
Source: SAP
The legal disclaimer applies that things in the future are subject to change
Expected release date of BW/4HANA 2.0 is February 25 and you need to be on HANA 2.0
Source: SAP
Why BW/4HANA? More simplification with data modeling, to be faster to new scenarios or changing existing scenarios
SP04 - first integration with data hub
2.0 - will be shipped February 25; go in GA immediately
BW/4HANA has the purpose to complete simplification - integration to cloud applications
Source: SAP
The mission statement for BW/4HANA 2.0
Integration with smart data, integration with SAP Cloud applications
Source: SAP
Simplification in 1.0 was related to data models; reduced to 4 modeling objects and leaner data flows
New concept for data tiering, and web admin cockpit is more efficient
Source: SAP
This shows the screen shot for the BW administrator's cockpit
It is UI5 based technology; admin can access from mobile device
Tiles can be configured
BW/4HANA - cockpit is central point for administrator - maintenance, authorizations, process chains
2.0 has additional tiles mentioned on the left
More simplified search capabilities, notifications if process chain has failed, web based master data maintenance, more stats on data volume, selection
Data tiering has more information
Data protection management is managed here
HANA view maintenance, direct upload for agile test scenarios
Source: SAP
Statistics are based on ABAP CDS views; will replace the former technical content. In the past needed to activate in BW
Today it is on CDS views; when run statistics in admin cockpit they will be generated; no need to fill tables or activate content
Areas covered data volumes, data selection from queries, how often query has been executed
Obtain a comprehensive view on volumes and selection
Staging support for data
Benefits - out of box app statistics; easy to use UI, no need to activate content and filling internal tables; can monitor data to your needs
Source: SAP
See how modeling tools evolved
New data flow modeler easy to use
New modeling types for process chain integration, new maintenance for DSO, currency translation
Source: SAP
Can now copy more than one option in data flow copy
Modeling of data flow object/remodeling is easier in 2.0
Process chain integration
Source: SAP
Agile modeling capabilities, upload data fast, and not model for every field (field based modeling)
Later, you decide from field based modeling to info object (for authorizations, texts, etc.) - just replace that in DSO
Example above is product ID field, replace with Info Object 0PRODUCT - decide how values filled
In past if you did this in DSO, delete, remodel, reload - no longer required
Just do remodeling, when finished, create request, decide in cockpit when activate/execute
Benefits are higher productivity and flexibility
Source: SAP
Direct update of DSO
Many customers user Data Services and use it in context in BW/4HANA; before this release had to load to HANA then to BW
No longer this case; direct write update - Data Services can write to DSO
Same is true for SAP Cloud Platform integration; built applications and these apps write data to BW
Data Hub integration planned for H2/2019
Not open for all ETL tools; just the ones listed in slide
Source: SAP
Items in bold above are new with BW/4HANA 2.0
Combine unstructured/structured - process chain can execute Data Hub flow, flow back to process chain
Source: SAP
Integration with S/4HANA Cloud
CDS based extractors
S/4HANA Cloud has ABAP CDS views; operation delta queue - ODP/Data source and connect S/4HANA cloud to BW/4HANA
Availability of note is in slide, describes which CDS extractors are provided; can extend and build your own
Benefits include connectivity with S/4HANA Cloud to BW/4HANA
Source: SAP
Native access to BW tables; something not supported before
Now have a new SQL view for lookup - for scenarios access ADSO, mixed scenarios in HANA, this view is a controlled way for how customers can have access
Source: SAP
Conditions now executed in HANA directly
Connectivity to BRF (business rule framework)
Source: SAP
New chart types for SAP Analytics Cloud
Source: SAP
Data protection workbench, many of you have heard of GDPR
Read access logging
Source system side has ILM covering archiving and deletion; today do not have integration between BW/ILM - workbench delivered to have that
Source: SAP
Notifications are generated, and those are stored in central and there they can be replicated to BW system, part of technical content
Data Protection Workbench is based on advanced data store object
Source: SAP
Customization - identify sensitive characteristic, define ILM object, define data source to objects, replicate to BW
Integration between ILM and BW/4HANA and admin cockpit
Source: SAP
Source: SAP
Complete data flow
ODP source system, data targets, perform activities / functions on info providers, jump to more logs
Actions - more activities to be performed, let system show you all records to be deleted
Source: SAP
One code line covers on premise/private cloud
Following, Blueberry is the Cloud Data Warehouse planned for middle of this year
Integrated with Data Hub
Source: SAP
This slide was covered throughout the presentation
Source: SAP
Further enhancements for Project Blueberry
On premise BW - see additional automation for data tiering optimization
Update to cold data (cold data should not be updated)
Working on pilot projects to provide system health monitoring, evaluate how use machine learning algorithm on BW/4HANA (locks, dumps) to provide admin more information and support
Integration with the Data Hub is planned, tight integration with repository; transport complete scenarios (BW4-process chain - data hub, etc.)
HDI support
Open Hub is still there in BW/4HANA
Expect further push down with current member
Source: SAP
Where to get more information
Question & Answer
Special thanks to Lothar & team for detailed responses
Is BW/4HANA 2.0 about to release on 25th/Feb/2019?
Yes, GA is planned for 25th/Feb/2019.
Can I upgrade from BW 7.5 directly to BW/4HANA 2.0 or we have to upgrade to BW/4HANA1.0 --> BW/4HANA 2.0
Yes, you must go to SAP BW/4HANA 1.0 first and then upgrade to SAP BW/4HANA 2.0. A direct path is planned for SAP BW/4HANA 2.0 SP02.
Isn’t Eclipse with BW-MT dead? When will BW modelling be going into XSA/WebIDE? Are there any plans yet?
BW4 Modeling Tools in Eclipse will continue to be the tool for BW Developer. No plans to move to the XSA/WebIDE.
RSA1 is not needed anymore?
RSA1 is still there but has no longer a modeling and administration aspect.
Statistics: When converting from BW on HANA to BW/4HANA, are the same RSDDSTAT* statistics tables retained and used with the new CDS views? Or are new tables created that only have BW/4 statistics?
In SAP BW/4HANA we use the known statistic tables like RSDDSTAT* plus some new created ones.
Hi, Could you please tell what is the plan for planning sequence modelling integration?
SAP BW/4HANA does no longer support planning capabilities, we have planned to deliver for SAP BW/4HANA2.0 an appropriate BPC11.1 add-on. (please do not use the name BPC12.0).
Please comment on integration of HANA 2.0 new data modelling features like with containers with BW4HANA. Also, integration HDI transport architecture. Currently, transport synch for ABAP and HANA objects are manual and disjoint
HDI consumption is supported with SAP BW/4HANA 2.0 – the creation of HDI artefacts is planned for 2020. See more details here -
What is the function of ""fill with value" in the ADSO remodeling tool ? Can we essentially do data transformation there ?
With this functionality you can apply a fixed value (constant) to your new created DSO field/IO.
Does BW4HANA 2.0 has the capability to NLS into Cloudera HADOOP ?
See SAP Note 2363218 for the supported Hadoop distributions and Information, Recommendations and Limitations about Hadoop NLS.
Are the CDS based Datasources only available on S4HANA on Cloud? Or is it also available for S4HANA on Premise edition?
CDS based Datasources will be available for S4HANA on Premise as well. The new S/4 BW content based on CDS extractors is exclusively available for S/4Cloud.
is there an associated content pack that will be available for BW4 2.0 that offers additional BW4-enabled content?
Yes, there will be a new content add-on (BW4CONTB 200 and BW4CONT 200) that can be installed only in a BW/4HANA 2.0 system.
How about aDSO remdeling using ABAP and/or AMDP?
All aDSO remodeling is done via the optimized DSO maintenance in Eclipse.
Could you explain more on the difference between the new SQL view on ADSO versus the calculation view on ADSO ?
SAP Note 1682131 explains that direct access to tables storing DSO (advanced) data is not supported by SAP. The External SAP HANA SQL View provides a stable interface which allows official and authorized access to the data stored in a DSO (advanced). Additional information is provided via SAP Note 2723506.
What about the limitation of adsos when using non cumulative key figures which is (still?) about around 120 characteristics max (all chars are key flag checked)? Any change here?
No changes.
Any changes on composite provider limitations with regards to joins, nesting etc.?
No changes.
What about changing the s/4 embedded netweaver bw stack to bw/4?
Currently not planned by S/4HANA.
"BW/4HANA 1.0 end of maintenance is 12.31.2020.
SAP BW 7.5 end of maintenance is 12.31.2024.
BW/4HANA 2.0 end of maintenance is 12.31.2024.
What can we propose to our customers that are currently on BW on HANA? The end of maintenance dates suggest to wait until BW/4HANA 2.0 is GA before swtiching from BW on HANA(so do not switch to BW4 1.0). "
The target release should be SAP BW/4HANA 2.0. Depending on the planned timelines different paths are available. For conversion projects an intermediate step to SAP BW/4HANA 1.0 might be necessary.
Will project blueberry be available for big size companies or just for small/medium size companies?
Project Blueberry will be part of SAP’S planned data warehouse as a service offering - further details are planned to communicate for H2/2019.
Hello, do you have any plan to release BPC 12 version on BW4/HANA? Based on PAM , BPC 11 is available on BW4/HANA and there is a confusion on end of main stream maintainence . If BPC 11 is supported on BW 4/HANA, is the support for BPC 11 available until BW 4/HANA 2.0 is supported?
SAP BW/4HANA does not longer support planning capabilities, we have planned to deliver for BW/4HANA2.0 an appropriate BPC11.1 add-on. (please do not use the name BPC12.0). The maintenance of BPC11.0 and BPC11.1 is strongly aligned with the underlaying BW release. With the help of the picture, you will get information about the BW/4HANA End of Mainstream Maintenance Key Date (With respect to our legal disclaimer, all forward looking statements could be subject to change).
Source: SAP
From the functional perspective, BPC 11.0 and BPC 11.1 offer the same mass of functionality.
is there any new updates on migration path from bw older versions like 7 to bw4 hana?
There are no changes on the migration paths to SAP BW/4HANA. The available paths are described here:
How BW4 HANA play key role in presence of S4 HANA Analytics .. since every company has this question of do we need BW4HANA after we implement S4HANA ?
As already mentioned several times S4HANA is not replacing data warehouse functionalities (strategic reporting, consolidation, historical data, data cleansing, etc. . . . ).
Many thanks for the update. I was wondering if you could indicate if Learning Hub Course will be updated when ? A lot of colleagues are using material for BW4HANA1 , will this become obsolete ?
is still valid and available.
We will produce a SAP BW/4HANA 2.0 delta course by the end of 2019.
biggest issue for customers on bw 7 version, is long process to get to bw 4hana, it would be great if you can come up with better upgrade/transition plan.
The conversion paths are described in detail here: Furthermore the SAP Readiness Check can help to find the conversion path which fits best to the customer needs.
What customization options are available for the CDS based BW Stats (create new queries, enhance etc.)? Is the only option to create new views based on the base RSDDSTAT tables?
It is possible to create customer specific views based on the delivered content cds views.
We have a Big Data source system for BW4HANA. How would it differentiate to extract data using SAP Data Hub for Big Data?
The Big Data source system provides central and unified access to Big Data sources. Access is possible via SAP HANA Smart Data Access and the SPARK SQL (DESTINATION) adapter.
Big Data Hub is much more – it is a comprehensive toolset of ETL tools and data orchestration functionalities to integrate all kind of data.
is it necessary to do any type of conversion from 1.0 SP8 to 2.0 or is this seamless?
There will be a simple and easy upgrade path from SAPBW/4HANA 1.0 to . SAPBW/4HANA 2.0
Is there changes on BPC side?
From the functional perspective, BPC 11.0 and BPC 11.1 offer the same scope of functionality.