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Solution Manager 7.2 is more focused on functional side but still today I would like share few tips useful in REAL life for Technical Monitoring within Application Operations scenario.

Basically, we will explore some some tips regarding customization/troubleshooting for Technical Monitoring Templates which are of course born in real life scenarios or incidents.

I will try to use below way of introducing a case with hint on how I have arrived the conclusion assuming this will help you too.

Case 1 - Upgrade from 7.1 to 7.2 version of Solution Manager is finished. After finishing your upgrade with Solution Manager to 7.2 version or a support pack, lot of complain raised that monitoring is not working or stable.

On deep investigation, I have found that this customer was using standard templates directly assigned to systems which got overwritten with new templates post upgrade and several they are existing custom metrics/settings are overwritten or gone.

Tip 1a- Always copy the standard Template and never use the standard template directly. Copy the standard into custom template and then deploy to corresponding host or application etc.

Tip 1b - We have also seen that many times it is omitted by upgrade team to consider that with new version there can be a impact on Monitoring and Basis Team are usually more focused on Upgrade so make sure pre-requisites are also put in place aligned to new version.

Case 2 - Now I have also seen scenario's where Implementation was done for Technical Monitoring but there is no documentation. How do we know that it is standard metric or custom one?

Tip 2 - Never forget the column shown in the last in the Technical Monitoring Template which says MODIFIED and thus it is not the standard one if it is ticked. Thus, if required, you can download the standard template and you custom one and do a comparison.

Case 3 - It is also possible or you might have heard that lot of people complains that the metrics provided by SAP in standard are missing in existing custom template deployed. How is this even possible ?

Tip 3 - Primary reason is old version of template deployed which was copied from standard may be a long time ago. Thus, always, use the latest version of the content provided by SAP. Check below wiki

In case, of new version provided by SAP make sure you modify or update your existing custom templates only.

Case 4 - I have sometime observed or get lot of query's that Solution Manager BW for Technical Monitoring is too heavy or cubes are holding a big amount of data.

Tip 4 - first double check the custom template deployed here first.  Example below is the setting which controls whether a metric data is transferred to BW or not.

Thus make sure whether SEND VALUES TO SAP NETWEAVER BUSINESS WAREHOUSE is required or not. If it is ticked the data for this metric will be pushed to Solution Manager BW. Thus, for performance reason better not to tick all the metric here except relevant one's.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this one and I will soon come back with another one. Feel free to share you experiences.

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