Dark mode is all the rage these days (and I am a big user myself).
Within Fiori, the Quartz theme is the first to offer an equivalent to the dark mode with "
Quartz Dark". It is available with SAPUI5 1.71.27 and can be applied to any SAP product with the component SAP_UI 754.
Now, the good news is that SAP Solution Manager does include that specific component with its latest releases, such as SP12. However it is delivered with SAPUI5 1.71.24. Fortunately, the patching process is fairly quick and easy!
The procedure is referenced in SAP Note
2856654 - ABAP SAPUI5 1.71 release - SAP ONE Support Launchpad where you will download the latest available patch (P34 at the time of this writing) and upload it to your system with the report
After upload, Quartz Dark will not be immediately available to the Launchpad users. You will need to implement SAP Note
2909483 - UI Theme Designer: Allow selection of sap_fiori_3_dark in Fiori Launchpad Settings as well to update the Fiori Launchpad Settings.
Additionally, I recommend to apply any SAP Note related to the keyword "sap_fiori_3_dark", which is the technical name for the theme. The SAP Note
2946576 - TinyMCE - Add Quartz Dark styling is one of them. Of course, all tiles that do not support themes cannot render the dark mode, such as the Solution Readiness and Release Dashboards.
A few examples of how it looks in SAP Solution Manager SP12:
Welcome to the Dark side!