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As some of you probably know while using ICO (integrated configuration) in PI 7.1X we used to have a small issue while doing the development - the output from the mapping was not persistent at all. This was somehow fine for the productive environments but testing and development was pretty much difficult without seeing the final message. One way was to use a workaround like the one I proposed in my blog:

- PI/XI: target message logging with local AAE not possible ? not anymore...

As of PI 7.3 we have a new option on how to configure the message persistence - we can configure which steps do we need/want to log.
How this can be done? There is a new parameter called: xiadapter.stage.conf in the PI's service XPI Adapter: XI. You can open this service from Netweaver Administrator and then selecting: Configuration Management - Infrastructure - Java System Properties - Services tab. This parameter can be configured in two "directions":

- at first you need to specify after which processing step you want to log the message like (after mapping, after receiver determination, etc.)

- then you need to specify how the message is processed further and you have 4 modes to support this step (MODE_NO_STORE, MODE_STORE_ON_ERROR, MODE_STORE_AND_CONTINUE, MODE_STORE_AND_RETURN)

Both "directions" are clearly described under this link:
Saving Message Versions in the Advanced Adapter Engine

A sample configuration can look like this:

Once we process a message we can click on each of the version and check it's payload in the "payload" tab.


As for now this only works for the whole AAE so you cannot specify it for individual adapters/communication channels. This mode must be used only when you know what you're doing as additional message persistence for all integration flows can even bring down your PI server in the worst case. If you want to set up the persistence only for one communication channel you still need to use a workaround like the one from my blog mentioned at the beginning. 

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