Hello Friends,
You have followd
previous blog and now ready for the next step
Before we start configuring our SAP solution Manager system lets make sure we have configured HTTPS for ABAP and JAVA system
In order to perform this step open SAP NWA for JAVA system and navigate to SSL: Configuration page as shown below
Your Final Configuration will be looking like below...
Make sure you select Port-Specific option for your each port shown below.
Delete existing ssl-credentials and create new
After that you generate CSR Request and download certificate
After you have sign your certificate with signing authority import CSR Response
Restart SSL Provider Service
Open STRUSTSSO2 Transaction code
Exoprt System PSE certificate and sign it with certificate authority
Create SSL Client SSL Client (Standard)
Create SSL Client SSL Client (Anonymous)
Crate SSL Server Standard
Note: Make sure you do not forgot to import root CA for signing authority on ABAP and JAVA system
Lets start System Preparation Step on
next document
Thank you for reading