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SAP has migrated most of their development model towards Webdynpro ABAP which uses Floor Plan Manager in designing applications. You name any business package in SAP Portal we are sure to see applications using FPM. This document is a brief about my analysis on how Portal is integrated within this framework. This will give an overview of an application that uses FPM OVP and how things are configured and displayed in Portal.


From Portal Perspective –

I am going to take an application that is used in Reorganization Management Business Package which uses FPM OVP. Any would be a generic term but most of the FPM OVP screens looks similar to the below screenshot depending on the configuration.

iVIew Parameters for the above application in Portal.

When we click on any of the links in the application a new window opens up with a new application / transaction / portal page etc.

When you see the details of the launched application it will show the portal content being used. How is this Portal path determined? I will come to it in the later part of the documentation.

From Webdynpro Perspective –

Navigate to the Webdynpro application based on the iView Parameters.

Open the Application Configuration and navigate inside the component configuration.

Click on Configure UIBB and select confData in older release and in newer release it will be like the listed below screenshot. Here the reference to the Launchpad Role and Instance are given.

Launchpad configuration -

Go to Transaction LPD_CUST and search for the above role / instance.

Open the Launchpad configuration which will look similar to the application which we saw in Portal.

When you double click on any of the links you will be able to configure what type application it should launch and its parameters.

We can configure any applications based on the requirement. You need to call a portal page instead of any other type then select he portal page and provide the path ROLES://portal_content…..

Rewinding to Portal Perspective –

For application types which are not based on Portal: how are they launched in portal and how is the content in portal determined? The answer is in the Table APB_LPD_PATHS.

Not many customers would be giving permissions to the SAP provided contents. You always take a copyof the standard contents into you customer specific space. You can modify the table APB_LPD_PATHS_C where we can specify the PCD paths.

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