Situation handling in SAP S/4 HANA system is an intelligent technology which pro-actively notifies the potential issues to business users so that corrective actions can be taken on time. SAP S/4 HANA team has added this feature to improve the efficiency of business users and reduce intangible costs. Without notification feature, business users must execute reports and identify potential situations which require corrective actions. There are several business scenarios which require continuous monitoring. For example:
1. There are only few days left for the quotation submissions (RFQ) and buyer has not received the minimum number of quotations.
2. Vendor has not sent the confirmations for purchase order line yet.
3. Central Contract is going to expire in few days.
4. Prediction for the quantity contract consumption.
5. The stock transfer order related goods receipts are overdue
The Business user can use the Fiori app to monitor situations. The Process steps to enable and monitor situations in S/4 HANA are outlined in this blog to quickly learn the steps.
Steps to enable and monitor situation related notifications:
1. The business users can enable / disable the notifications based on their needs (user
The users can enable / disable the notifications based on their needs (user settings) as shown below.
The user can see all the notifications as shown below and then once double clicked, the user will enter the document directly to take necessary actions. The document could be a Purchase order / RFQ / Central Contract / STO etc.
- Login to home page and business user will get the notifications. The bell Icon on the extreme top right of the page will show the number of notifications received. For Example, in the below screen 999+ notifications are showing in deep red color.
3 After clicking on bell icon (notifications), business user can see all the notifications as shown below and then once double clicked, the user will see the document numbers with appropriate message to take necessary actions. The document can be a Purchase order / RFQ / Central Contract / Stock transfer order etc.
- Business user can also open “My Situation” fiori app and can view all the received notifications.
5. After analyzing the notification, the business user can take necessary corrective actions, for example,
After analyzing the notifications, the user can take necessary actions, for example,
- Send reminders to vendors for quotation submission
- Mark the situation as resolved.
- Situation handling feature in SAP S/4 HANA enables business user to activate situations so that system can monitor the situations and proactively notify the users to take corrective actions. The users get the notifications like social media notifications (Facebook, Twitter etc.).
- After going through the above blog, the business user would have learned how to enable, monitor, and take corrective actions for different notification related situations.
- The User can view the situations using fiori app “My situations”.
- Please provide your feedback/comments. You can ask Question / Answer for the open Questions in the SAP community Link:
SAP documents related to Mass Update of the PIR in the below link:
SAP S/4HANA Fiori App Link:‘F2667’)/S18OP
Co -Author - Anil Nigam