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This document shows how to jump from the most aggregated level (dashboards) to the most detailed level (ECC),  including, interactive  and advanced analysis jumps.  The document attached includes screenshots as well.


0.      Linking wizard

1.      PassingValues between Dashboards

1.A   Calling a dashboard and filter the bex-variable via the link

2.      Passing values between Dashboard (Parent) to WebI (Child)

3.      Passing values between WebI – reports

3.A    Embed image into WebI - reports (via url)

3.B    Passing values between WebI – reports with Bex-variable

4.      Passing values between WebI and Olap-Analysis

5.      Input parameters

6.      Embedded dashboard

7.      Jump to ecc

8.      Design Studio

8.A    Passing Range from Design Studio to Explorer

8.B    Passing Data from Design Studio to WebI

8.C    Design Studio RRI & Open Document

9.      Hyperlink of a variable

10.     Lumira

11.     SAP Analytics Cloud to WebI

0 Linking wizard

How to obtain the Open Document wizard.

Set your preferences in the BI Launchpad to HTML.

Example, check out the setting in underneath screenshot.

When you open your document as viewer (read mode), then click on design mode, you will be able to use the link-wizard.

When you open your document directly via Modify (you will go via Applet) and you will not be able to use the link-wizard.

1 Passing Values between Dashboards

Step 1: Create Child Dashboard (Flash 2)

  • Create combobox (dynamically – linked with cell “B1”, here we will enter the passed value) and chart

  • Create connection (Flash Variable)

  • Link the range to your spreadsheat (important:the name of ranges, ie: “Range”)

  • Save to the platform

Step 2: Create Parent Dashboard (Flash 1)

  • Create combobox and graph (combobox we will use the select our passing value, the value will be placed in “Blad1!AA2)

  • Paste the “Document link” of your child dashboard in a cel (this you can retrieve from the platform)

  • Paste the Ranges name of your connection of your child dashboard in a cel

  • Use the formula to create the URL =<link>&”&sKind=Flash&IsS”&<range_name>&”=”&<variable_value>

  • Use URL-component and link it with the url link (blue)

Step 3: Check it out

  • Open parent dashboard

  • Click on URL (now we want to pass the value “Massilly” trough to our child dashboard

  • Open child dashboard (our chart is filtered by the value we pushed trough)

1 A Calling Dashboard and filter the bex-variable via the link

See document Dashboard filtered by BEx-variable, filled via URL

2 Passing values between Dashboard (Parent) to WebI (Child)

Step 1: Create Webi-report

  • Create filter: “Production entity”, as an optional prompt, only one value to enter.

  • Save to Platform and fetch the document li

Step 2: Create Dashboard


  • You can replace <variable_value> by no_value if you want to leave the selection open (optional prompt)


3 Passing Values between WebI - reports

Step 1: Create Webi-report

  • Create filter: “Production entity”, as an optional prompt, only one value to enter.

  • Save to Platform and fetch the document link

Step 2: Create Webi-report

  • Create table with production entity in it

  • Select column

3A Embed image into WebI - reports (via url)

See Document: Hyperlink on image within webi report

3B Passing Values between WebI - reports - BEx  Variables

To get this working you should check first how your bex-variable is defined.  Because when you have your Bex-variable as "selection option" your values will not be passed.

The passing of the value is nothin special.

Note that you have the assign the key as well!

good doc on this toppic :


4 Passing Values between WebI and OLAP-Analysis

Variables in OLAP Anlaysis are BEx variables, to “call” them you have to use the technical name of the variable! In example we use: QUXOIQRT

Important NOTE: the same method (link) can be used also for passing values from Dashboard to advanced analysis, just note that the input variable will look like in chapter 2.

  • Add hyperlink >> Browse for advanced analysis report >> insert it >> no popup of the variables appear like in chapter 3 >> so we have to change the link via formula >> so click “ok” and go to the formula bar, edit it. And add the extra parameter below, like you see in the link below.


  • ="+[L01 Invoicequarter]+"

="<ahref=\"../../opendoc/openDocument.jsp?iDocID=AXj.NgMoYXhImmeGywITRjI&sIDType=CUID&sType=amw&lsMQUXOIQRT="+[L01 Invoice
\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\"
nav=\"doc\">"+[L01 Invoice quarter]+"</a>

View of the formula bar.  The hyperlink you see above, is the result of your link.  You see, we are passing the second quarter through.

5 Input Parameters

parameter info
& to combine paramrters in the hyperlink
[NAME] the text of the prompt
lsM[name] Specifies Multiplevalues for a prompt
lsR[NAME] Specifies a Range of values for a prompt
lsS[NAME] Specifies a Single value for a prompt
sRefresh Forces a refesh of report -> sRefresh=Y
sKind =Flash For flashfiles like dashboarding
sIDType=CUID For determine type of documentID
sInstance=Last For latest instance
sInstance=User For latest instance owned by user
sOutputFormat H(HTML) P (PDF) E (Ecel) W (Webi)
sReportName=First+Report+Tab To open report on a specific report tab
sReportPart=UIREF:RID=1:BID=152 refers to a block in a report (tab) RID: Report ID, BID: Block ID
no_value if you want to leave the selection open (optional prompt)

6 Embedded dashboard

URL setup

  • documentDownload?iDocID=<iDocID value>&sKind=Flash

Dashboard setup

  • component swf-loader (source url / app domain New)

  • Note that the Panel component doesn’t download dashboard

See document >> BI 4.1 - How to Import a dashboard in another dashboard

7 Jump to ECC

url http:///<server>:<port>/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui?~transaction=*CJ03%20*PROJ-PSPID=300002903;DYNP_OKCODE=/00

Port (T-CODE : SICF)    8000*CJ03%20*PROJ-PSPID=300002903;DYNP_OKCODE=/00
>>> test
It is important that the integrated ITS service default_host->sap->bc->gui->sap->its->WEBGUI within your ECC’s NetWeaver instance is active before you can call a WebGUI transaction. The server is your ECC one that you can find in the SAP Logon. You can also find the right port in transaction SICF. The transaction itself must also be enabled for WebGUI access in SE93. The above example URL is calling transaction code CJ03 and filling the screen field PROJ-PSPID with the WBS number 300002903 and bypassing the selection screen by clicking on the Execute button. This is a static example but in real life, the number should be replaced by the column name in the Web Intelligence report.
Transaction ?

In ECC execute the requested T-Code:  for example ME23N

Passing values

Go to the parameter you want to fill in and press F1


8 Design Studio

If the Design studio application is located on the BI Launchpad.  You can access the design studio via the opendocument lingo...check out tutorial:

Design Studio 1.1: Pass URL parameters between applications (sap official)


8A Passing range from Design Studio to Explorer

A range in Design studio has format: 2011 - 2013

A range in Explorer has format: 2011;2012;2012;2013

When we push our values as answer from Design Studio prompt, we will recieve those 2011-2013 format

Check out the code to go from one format to the other

8B Passing Data from Design Studio to WebI

Nothing special here, use what you already learned above.

script in design studio= APPLICATION.openNewWindow();

add opendocument-rul from webi, add parameters, it as simple as that.

Note, do not forget to create the prompt in your webi and use that name in your parameter!
    1. Actions in design studio

var_end can be a variable you filled in via startup or you can set it as the result of a filter


     2. Actions in webi

Creation of prompt

8C Design Studio RRI & Open Document

Nice doc on this toppic by deepusasi
Design Studio 1.4 RRI and Open Document

9 Hyperlink of a variable

create variable "signature".

add for example

this can be handy if it is based on an IF statement, where you in once case jump to report A and in the other case to report B.

use formula below in your report

="<a href=\""+([Signature])+"\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" nav=\"web\">Click Here</a>"

10 Lumira

OpenDocument Functionality for Lumira Documents in SAP Lumira, server for BI Platform

Enhancement of Lumira document to support Full, Part and Prompts/Variables options via OpenDocument ...

11 SAP Analytics Cloud to WebI

  1. Step 1 create WebI report as target/child report.

    • create prompt (name/textbox of my prompt I type: Year)

    • save your WebI report into your Launchpad

    • go to properties of your WebI document and copy the opendocument URL

  2. Step 2 create SAC story as source/parent report.

    • create story

    • in Story add chart, link it with your datasource, design it.

    • When ready go to your chart structure-> add chart components -> hyperlink

    • OR go to your graph in the story itself, open the menu and go to hyperlink

  3. Step 3 develop your Hyperlink

    • Link to= external URL

    • External URL = paste your opendocumentlink here and add &sRefresh=Y&lsSYear=<<add your Dimension from your datasource>>

    • Label= "Jump to"

    • Open in new tab


Ready to play >> in chart, select your value/dimension, HyperlinkJumpTo jumps up , click on it and your WebI Report will open with your selected value


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