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HANA DB update of 3 tier HSR enabled system

There are 2 ways to perform 3 tier near-zero downtime HANA DB update ( replication (A->B->C) )

1.Disconnect Site C,  and update it separately , and w.r.t Site A and B follow the Near-zero downtime approach for 2 tier system . Post this site c can be connected back

2.Perform 3-tier near zero downtime operation

Method 1:Disconnect Site C,  and update it separately , and w.r.t Site A and B follow the Near-zero downtime approach for 2 tier system . Post this site c can be connected back


1.Make SiteC as standalone (Execute a take over in Site C and perform a HANA DB update in Site C)

2.Perform NZDU upgrade between Site A and Site B


a.Configure a user under SRTAKEOVER key in hdbuserstore using systemDB port in SystemDB (not tenant DB)

  • Create a user with the required privileges






  • As <sid>adm configure a user in the local userstore under the SRTAKEOVER key. Use a public host name to access the corresponding SQL port of the System DB (<SystemDBsqlport>). Execute this command on the primary and secondary systems

hdbuserstore SET SRTAKEOVER <publichostname>:<SystemDBsqlport> <myrepouser> <myrepouser_password>

(Above command only in systemDB, not in tenant DB)

 For example, for public host name "mypublichost" and system number "00", "MY_REPO_IMPORT_USER", and "MyRepoUserPW123" : hdbuserstore SET SRTAKEOVER mypublichost:30013 MY_REPO_IMPORT_USER MyRepoUserPW123

  • In a scale-out configuration, the command has to be executed on all hosts

b.Performing NZDU in HANA


a.System replication is configured and active between two identical SAP HANA  systems.

b.The primary system is the production system.

c.The secondary system will become the production system after the upgrade.

d.The prerequisite is to run both systems with the same endianness.


    1. Upgrade the secondary system's SAP HANA server software and all other components. From your installation directory execute as root:

        ./hdblcm --action=update

    1. Verify that system replication is active and that all services are in sync. You can check that the column REPLICATION_STATUS in M_SERVICE_REPLICATION has the value ACTIVE for all services.

    2. Stop the primary system.

    3. Perform a takeover on the secondary system, switch virtual IP addresses to the secondary system, and start using it productively. As <sid>adm perform a takeover:

        hdbnsutil -sr_takeover

    1. If XS Advanced is being updated as well, update the XS Advanced applications.

        ./hdblcm --action=update

    1. Upgrade the original primary from the installation directory as root user using the -hdbupd_server_nostart option together with all other components. This is necessary because otherwise the primary has to be stopped again before it can be registered as the secondary.

        ./hdblcm --action=update --hdbupd_server_nostart

    1. Register the original primary as secondary as <sid>adm.

        hdbnsutil -sr_register --name=<secondary_alias>  --remoteHost=<primary_host> --remoteInstance=<primary_systemnr>  --replicationMode=[sync|syncmem|async]–-operationMode=[delta_datashipping| logreplay|logreplay_readaccess]

    1. Start the original primary

Method 2: 2386973 - Near Zero Downtime Upgrades for HANA Database 3-tier System Replication


In these scenarios, there are three SAP HANA systems A, B and C, named SiteA, SiteB, and SiteC.

In the below example it will be assumed, that replication mode SYNC was configured between SiteA and SiteB and ASYNC between SITEB and SiteC (SiteA --sync-->SiteB --async--> SiteC).

* [A], [B], [C] means where the following step should be executed in SiteA [A], SiteB [B], or SiteC [C].


First of all, upgrade SiteB and SiteC first, afterwards upgrade SiteA later

1.Site C:  Stop, and upgrade the SAP HANA database with nostart option, no repo import:

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr <instance_number> -function StopSystem HDB

./hdblcm --action=update -s <SID> --hdbupd_server_nostart

2.Site B: Stop, and upgrade the SAP HANA database with nostart option, no repo import:

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr <instance_number> -function StopSystem HDB

./hdblcm --action=update -s <SID> --hdbupd_server_nostart

3.Site B:  Start the SAP HANA database:

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr <instance_number> -function StartSystem HDB

4.Site C: Start the SAP HANA database:

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr <instance_number> -function StartSystem HDB

5.Site A: Check in M_SERVICE_REPLICATION that sync system replication is ACTIVE from SiteA to SiteB, and that async replication is ACTIVE from SiteB to SiteC

6.Site A:  Stop the SAP HANA database:

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr <instance_number> -function StopSystem HDB

7.Site B: Take over as the primary system, applications’ database connection should be changed accordingly:

hdbnsutil -sr_takeover

8.Site C: Change the replication mode of the new tier 2 secondary:

hdbnsutil -sr_changemode --mode=sync

9.Site B: Check in M_SERVICE_REPLICATION that sync system replication is ACTIVE from SiteB to SiteC

10.Site A: Upgrade the SAP HANA database with nostart option, no repo import:

./hdblcm --action=update -s <SID> --hdbupd_server_nostart

Now, SiteA is stopped, and SiteB is the primary system, and SiteC is the secondary system with sync replication mode.To restore the original multitier setup (SiteA --sync--> SiteB --async--> SiteC), SiteA should be added as the secondary site instead of SiteC, then SiteA should take over from SiteB, finally SiteC is added as the tertiary site (tier-3).

11.Site C: Stop the SAP HANA database

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr <instance_number> -function StopSystem HDB

12.Site B:  Unregister SiteC from SiteB:

hdbnsutil -sr_unregister --name=siteC

13.Site A: Register as secondary:

hdbnsutil -sr_register --name=siteA --remoteHost=<hostname_of_B> --remoteInstance=<instance_number> --replicationMode=sync

14.Site A: Start the SAP HANA database:

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr <instance_number> -function StartSystem HDB

15.Site B: Check in M_SERVICE_REPLICATION that sync system replication is ACTIVE from SiteB to SiteA.

16.Site B: Stop the SAP HANA database:

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr <instance_number> -function StopSystem HDB

17.Site A: SiteA takes over as the primary system, so applications’ database connection should be changed accordingly:

hdbnsutil -sr_takeover

18.Site B: Register SiteB as the tier 2 secondary of SiteA:

hdbnsutil -sr_register --name=siteB --remoteHost=<hostname_of_A> --remoteInstance=<instance_number> --replicationMode=sync

19:Site B: Start the SAP HANA database:

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr <instance_number> -function StartSystem HDB

20:Site A: Check in M_SERVICE_REPLICATION that sync replication is ACTIVE from SiteA to SiteB.

21:Site B Enable SiteB as a replication source system:

hdbnsutil -sr_enable

22:Site C: Register SiteC as a tier 3 secondary in the multitier system replication scenario:

hdbnsutil -sr_register --name=siteC --remoteHost=<hostname_of_B> --remoteInstance=<instance_number> --replicationMode=async

23:Site C: Start the SAP HANA database:

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr <instance_number> -function StartSystem HDB

Further options to reduce downtime : Execute the downtime in 2 phases:

1.hdblcm with --prepare_update
2.hdblcm like nomal so that this directly enters the downtime


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