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SAP Management Console (SAP MC):


From SAP NetWeaver 7.0, a new start service (sapstartsrv) is available on all platforms. It is offering web service interfaces to applications for centrally administering and monitoring SAP systems.

The SAP MC is a browser-based, platform-independent user interface providing basic monitoring and administration of SAP systems.

For more information refer to the notes

Note 1014480 - SAP Management Console (SAP MC)

Note 1036107 - Ensuring SAP MC communicates with HTTPS

By this we can start or stop SAP systems centrally from the MMC, thus simplifying system administration under windows environment. However under UNIX there was no such tool available.

Basically SAP MC is a Java applet running in a Java Runtime Environment on the front end host.

By using SAP MC we can monitor and perform basic administration tasks on SAP systems centrally, thus simplifying system administration. It provides the following functions:

  • Monitor and control (start, stop, or restart) SAP systems (ABAP and Java) and its instances with a single tool.
  • Display SAP log and trace files, start profiles, instance parameters, the system environment, SAP environment, and so on.
  • Display and control Java and ABAP processes.
  • Monitor system alerts.
  • Display the current status tree
  • Display the list of all access points to an SAP system.
  • Display information about the AS Java threads, sessions, caches, aliases, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) sessions, remote objects
  • Display Java Virtual Machine garbage collection and heap memory information of the application server.
  • Save the current console configuration in a file to reuse it later or to forward it to other users.
  • Start third-party tools (such as Telnet), if available, to manage an application server.

In order to use SAP MC we need to have JRE 1.4 installed and corresponding Java Plugin needs to be activated in the corresponding browser. Please read through link below for the pre-requisites to follow,


How do you make this work on your local desktop?

By running a web browser locally

    1. In your Web browser, call the following URL of system which is based on <>


Where :<host> is the host where the application server is installed. 5<instNum>13 is the sapstartsrv service port. For example, if the instance number is 60, the port is 56013.

Use SAP server which fulfills the pre-requisites of MC (As stated in the beginning of this blog)

    1. SAP MC Console opens as below. NOTE: Since Java gets loaded, it may take few min to open up.
    2. Load the landscape you would like to monitor as part of landscape file from

                File --> Load Landscape.



By creating a batch file locally

  1. To make monitoring of SAP systems easy, a batch file can be created with name SAPMC (any name you would want) and a file consisting of SAP landscape details.
  2. Batch file can be placed on your local desktop.

          Create the batch file with below content. Add below lines to a new notepad and save as SAPMC.BATCH

          start /d "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer (x86)\IEXPLORE.EXE" http:// <host>:5<instNum>13/sapmc/sapmc.html?landscape=http://           <host>:5<instNum>13/C:\<path of landscape file>\SAPMC Landscape list

          NOTE: you can refer to on how to create a batch file

   c.  Landscape file can be placed within any folder

             Here have placed with in C:\<path of landscape file>\SAPMC Landscape list

             NOTE: Add 1 or 2 SAP system individually to SAPMC and save it as a FILE.
             Later add all the SID’s of your landscape to same file.

    d. Save the batch file after you have modified the path of landscape file in it and run the batch file.

              Finally the looks go as below

Select the interval of automatic update via Tools --> settings

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