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The release of Lumira Server for the BI  Platform has proven to be a welcome platform integration piece. To paraphrase a  winning political slogan, "It's the platform, stupid."  In our follow-up to our earlier Q & A, Ty Miller told us that the platform  is one of the more important components of trusted data:

One of the things  that makes a data discovery solution a trusted data discovery solution is the  ability of the organization supporting it to manage it, and the BI platform is  world renowned for its Life Cycle Management capabilities, and we're looking to  bring more of those kinds of capabilities to Lumira.

By bringing Lumira to the BI platform, SAP  has made it easier to support, and also easier to use in concert with other BI  platform components. By using the available tools and open document  capabilities, SAP can now make user-driven and professionally authored content  work together. As Ty continued:

There is also the  concept of designer-driven content and business user-driven content. Design  Studio applications are created by people whose job it is to create business  intelligence, which is referred to as professionally authored BI. We want to  create the ability to integrate user-driven BI and professionally authored BI,  and one of the ways to do that is through the concept of open document  capabilities.

So the addition of Lumira to the BI  platform allows BI users and information consumers to benefit from the best of  two worlds. AsTy continued:

Because Lumira is  now on the BI platform, we can look at ways to use open document technology to  allow professionally authored content from Design Studio and user-authored  content from Lumira to connect with each other and enable moving from one view  of the data to another.

Ty was specifically referring to SAP Design  Studio, but Adrian Westmoreland  added:

I would extend  that to say that Lumira can be connected not just with Design Studio, but also  with Web Intelligence, or anything else on the BI platform. You can drill down  via Lumira to a detailed report or anything else on the platform, using this  interconnectivity to produce workflows.

The quest for clarity  continues early in the New Year, when APOS Systems hosts the Web Intelligence Update with SAP's Frank Prabel & Gregory Botticchio  webinar on January  28, 2016. This free webinar will address new features in Web Intelligence, and  the solution's place within the SAP BI Convergence Strategy.

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