JavaScript for ABAP Developers
I am thrilled to announce that the book I wrote on JavaScript, in partnership with
SAP PRESS, is officially on sale now
👨🏼💻📚!! It’s essentially a list of everything I wish I knew when I first started out with this incredibly powerful programming language as an ABAP dev. The best way to learn is by doing and this book was written as a purely practical guide to get you writing and executing useful JavaScript code right from chapter one.
If you're looking to build front-end applications using technologies like SAPUI5 then you will need a good practical understanding of core JavaScript principles, which is what this book is all about. There is already a fantastic book on UI5 development
SAPUI5, The Comprehensive Guide and as UI5 is a JavaScript framework it is crucial that you master JavaScript to get the most out of your UI5 applications.
In the book I cover a wide range of JavaScript topics including:
- Variables
- Operators and loops
- Functions
- External libraries like jQuery
- The DOM
- Classes
- Old vs modern syntax
- Error handling and debugging
It’s a great primer if you want to expand your skills into front-end development on top of your SAP/ABAP knowledge.
You can read the full blog post
here and if you're interested in purchasing my new book you can do so
Thanks for reading 🙂