The International Focus Group for Integration (IFG for Integration) is an initiative of SAP user groups around the globe in the area of SAP integration, SAP Integration Suite and SAP Process Integration/Process Orchestration.
Our mission
The mission of the IFG for Integration is to establish the collaboration between the various SAP user groups in the area of SAP Integration Suite, SAP Process Integration, SAP Process Orchestration and SAP integration. In addition to the collaboration, exchange of experiences and knowledge our goals are to combine and strengthen the feedback and influencing towards SAP and to work on joint best practices. Target of our group is to support the various PI focus groups as part of their national user groups (but not to replace them in any way).
Our members
At the last face-to-face group meeting 2017 in Berlin Hermann Steinrötter was reelected as chair of the group.
- May: Start of integration survey 2020 (see section SAP Influencing)
- November: Publication of survey results 2020
- February/March: Finalization of question catalog for integration survey 2019
- May: Start of integration survey 2019 (see section SAP Influencing)
- October: Publication of survey results 2019
- February/March: Finalization of question catalog for integration survey 2018
- May: Start of integration survey 2018 (see section SAP Influencing)
- October: IFG Integration Days in Stockholm
- November/December: Publication of survey results 2018
- March/April: Finalization of integration survey 2017
- May: Start of integration survey 2017 (see section SAP Influencing)
- September: End of survey with 511 participants
- November: Publication of PI survey 2017 results (see section SAP Influencing)
- February: Finalization of PI survey 2016
- March: Webinar SAP AIF 3.0
- April: Start of integration survey 2016
- September/October: Publication of PI survey 2016 results (see section SAP Influencing)
- December: Annual group meeting in Berlin
- January: Publication of PI survey results (see section SAP Influencing)
- May: Start of PI survey 2015 (see section SAP Influencing)
- September: Annual face-to-face group meeting (Hamburg)
- October: Publication of PI survey 2015 results (see section SAP Influencing)
- October: Start of new SAP Customer Connection Program for SAP Process Orchestration (see section SAP Influencing)
- January: Follow-up survey on monitoring, see details in next section
- January: Webinar SAP NetWeaver PI Roadmap
- January/February: Finalization of questions for PI survey 2014.
- February: Webinar Trading Partner Management (SAP B2B Add-On)
- March: SAP Mentor Agasthuri Doss joins IFG for PI
- September: Annual face-to-face group meeting (Paris), change of group name to IFG for Integration
- January/February: Finalization of questions for PI survey 2013.
- February: Maintenance and subscription of collected PI requirements by users at SAP Customer Connection Program.
- March: Release of new document version 3.5 of PI naming conventions (see working papers below), completion of subscription period of SAP Customer Connection Program.
- May: Official start of PI survey 2013, see Global Survey for SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 2013
- August: Completion of PI survey
- October: Annual face-to-face group meeting (Stockholm), release of PI survey results, see links below
- February/March: Completion and review of PI requirements gathering
- April: Online survey for prioritization of collected requirements, see Online Survey - PI Requirements Prioritization
- May: Start global NetWeaver PI Survey 2012, see Global Survey for SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 2012
- July: Completion of online survey for prioritization of collected requirements, forwarding of results to SAP
- October: Annual face-to-face group meeting (Stockholm), release of PI survey results & requirement prioritization
- October: Change of group name from GSIG for PI to IFG for PI
- January – March: Concept and preparation of new PI survey
- April: Start of PI survey for 2011
- April: The Danish user group FSD joins the initiative
- May: SAP mentors Michal Krawczyk und Daniel Graversen join the group
- July: End of PI survey for 2011. We received more than 400 responses this year. Many thanks to all contributors and user groups!
- September: Annual face-to-face group meeting (Brussels), see also Thoughts after the Global Special Interest group for PI (GSIG for PI) after the meeting
- September/October: Official release of PI survey 2011 results
- November: Start of PI requirement gathering
- January: SAPSA and SBN Norge join the initiative
- March: joins the initiative
- July/August: Second international survey about SAP Application Integration and PI
- August/September: JSUG joins the initiative
- September: Annual onsite meeting in Den Bosch / Netherlands
- October: SAUG and SUG UK & Ireland join the initiative
- October: Executive meeting with SAP management (Hervé Couturier, Dirk Kästner, Sindhu Gangadharan) at SAP TechEd Europe
- October: AFSUG & Russian PI group join the initiative
- November:The French user group USF joins the initiative
- February – April: Survey about usage of EDI adapters on XI/PI
- May: Publication first draft of monitoring best practices
- May: Publication updated version of PI naming conventions
- September: Onsite meeting in Walldorf
- August: Kickoff meeting in Walldorf (ASUG, VNSG, DSAG, SAP)
- September: First international survey about SAP Application Integration and PI
- November: Web conference PI naming conventions
SAP Influencing
Working papers
- Naming Conventions for PI
Best practice document about naming conventions and integration design for SAP NetWeaver PI (version 3.52 with updates for PI 7.40 released in May 2015)
Further activities
- Release of a new naming convention document for SAP Cloud Platform Integration in 2018
How to participate and join
The download of the documents and the registration to the web conferences is offered to all members of the participating user groups and can be accessed via their specific portals or by contacting the speakers of the special interest groups listed in the table above.

Group meeting 2011 in Brussels, Belgium

Group meeting 2012 in Stockholm, Sweden

Group meeting 2013 in Hamburg, Germany

Group meeting 2014 in Paris, France

Group meeting 2015 in Hamburg, Germany

Group meeting 2016 in Berlin, Germany
Other user groups are very welcome join our initiative.
In case of questions or ideas do not hesitate to contact us!