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Hi All,

Kindly check the first part of the blog

Installation of SAP on  RAC with Oracle ASM

Installation of SAP on  RAC with Oracle ASM part 1(Distributed Environment)

In this part of the blog we will install the Database instance. Oracle RAC use the user oracle at OS level instead of ora<dbsid>

Oracle user should have the same password on all the RAC node and SSH need to be configure without a password mechanism

We will start the SWPM on the Database Primary node to install the Database Instance.

In this part of the blog , i will give only the important screenshot and little bit of explanation of the steps. While installing the Database instance we need to select the option Custom.

Database Instance Installation

Expand the below Tab SAP Enhancement Package 1 for SAP Netweaver 7.3-->oracle-->Process Orchestration-->Distributed System-->Database instance

We have to select the option Custom option to install the database

We have to enter the SAPSID and Profie Path of SCS instance. Since /sapmnt will be globally mounted on all the server so it will pick the SCS profile

from the directory /sapmnt/<SID>

After this , SWPM will ask to enter the Kernel DVD and Master Password of the system. The next screen will be the decision making for the

RAC environment which i have explain in my first blog Installation of SAP on  RAC with Oracle ASM

Since we have install the SAP system on RAC on Oracle ASM, so we have selected the option.

Here , we have to enter DBSID. Database host name will be taken by the SWPM automatically. Hostname for database will be the primary node.

After this screen , SWPM will ask for the Export DVD and SAP SCHEMA password.(Screenshot not provided)

In the next Screen SWPM give you a option for Advance DB Configuration - For oracle Expert only.

You have to select the option , because you may need to change few input which are being provided by SWPM as default

After this screen , SWPM will ask for sys and system password as input followed by RDBMS DVD for oracle

SWPM will ask for the oracle GRID environment parameter , which is actually managing all the RAC environment.

There are few restriction on GRID oracle software and Database software which will be installed on the top of the GRID software

Database Software which which we will going to install later for the SAP system should have the same oracle and SBP patches version.

You cannot apply higher SAP bundle Patches than on GRID database software.

We have to provide the GRID SID as +ASM1 as we are installing the SAP system on oracle with ASM feature.

We can check ORACLE_SID for GRID by using the below command

srvctl status asm -n <nodename of the database server>

output :

+ASM1 is running on node <nodename>

We have to provide the ASM Diskgroup and in ASM disk group has below naming convention

+DATA_<SID> --> It contains the data file for the oracle database

+RECO_<SID>--> It contain the Redo log files

+ARCH_<SID>--> It contain the Archive log files

We need to have two tablespace for PSAPUNDO001 and PSAPUNDO002 for two ASM instances +ASM1 and +ASM2 respectively.

We have to keep the parameter cluster_database = false as of now.

remote_listener = <scan listener name>:1521

To check the scan listener name on the nodes , run the below command

srvctl config scan_listener

In this screen you have to provide the ORACLE_HOME , Oracle Stage directory  , SAPData directory

Oracle Home = /oracle/<SID>/112_64

Oracle Stage = /oracle/stage_<SID>/112_64

SAP Data directory = /oracle/<SID>

  SAP Data directory will be created in diskgroup +DATA_<SID>

+OLOG_<SID> = ASM directory for Redologs

+RECO_<SID> = ASM directory for mirror Redologs member.

control file of oracle will be created in three disk group +DATA_<SID> , +ARCH_<SID> , +RECO_<SID>

Now we have to install the Database software for the new database SID. We will not touch the existing Database software for existing systems on the same node.

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