Please follow below steps to upload Cloud Groups in GRC AC for IAG Bridge
- For Uploading Cloud Group setup as below
- Role Type = Technical Role
- Import Source= File on Desktop
- Role Authentic Source = Skip
- Application Type = IAG
- Landscape = ARIBA/SAC etc.
- Methodology = Complete
Selection Criteria
2. Click Next (Select Role data)
Step 2
- Choose file - Download the template and fill the file.
- Role Type = SFG for Success Factor Group
- Role Type= GRP for ARIBA and SAC
- Only Use TEXT Format File to upload. Populate your text file in Excel.
- The fields in File:
- Role Name [ Alphanumeric(100) ] [ Mandatory
- Role Type [SIN / DRD / COM / BUS / PRF / PDP / GRP / TPL] [Mandatory] (****For A,SF and Cloud Application, See Role Type Comments above in bold****)
- Description [ Alphanumeric(100) ]
- Description [ Alphanumeric(100) ]
- Business Process Name [ Alphanumeric(10) ] [ Mandatory ]
- Subprocess Name [ Alphanumeric(10) ] [ Mandatory ]
- Project/Release Name [ Alphanumeric(10) ] [ Mandatory ]
- Role Status [ Alphanumeric(3) ] (***Should be PRD**)
- Functional Area [ Alphanumeric(10) ]
- Company [ Alphanumeric(10) ]
3. Schedule Foreground or Background Job to import and make sure its success. Please review the failed one.
Once the groups are successfully imported into GRC go to Access Management-> Role Search-> Group Name click on the group and go to Additional Details->Provisioning the status of Provisioning Allowed should be = Yes. This means the group is imported and now can be added into Access Request. If its =NO then we need to wait until the Sync job is finished.
**If the value is not Yes please make sure Repository Sync Job is running for that system and wait till it gets completed.